Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear FSN Forum Moderator,

To deeply look at the policies and programs to overcome overweight and obesity is very important. What we are noticing at the present moment is that there are some foods which people are going for the tests only. These are food such as hamburgers, chicken and chips and many more and these are mostly found in shops such as MacDonalds and others. In most cases many people are rushing for already pre-cooked foods which they buy and put into the so called microwaves to heat and eat. Many high working class communities prefer eating in restaurants also with their children as for them it is the easiest way. With my knowledge white bread is taken to be so special and people look at you if found eating brown bread. We have abandoned the knowledge by which we used to sit together as families and enjoy our food at home. More time is given to jobs at the work place and children are not interested in preparing their food at home. From these few comments I think there is more work needed to be done in sensitising consumers.  We need to build the collaboration between the food producers who are practising agroecological farming systems and consumers. There is also the need to lobby our Governments for policies that protects the Human Rights.

These are just a few to mention.

