Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

I was excited to see the two contributions concerning Afghanistan and poultry production for women. They seem to present contrasting experiences, so it would be good to hear more:

Comment to Paul Rigterink: it seems that the first stage of your proposal was implemented. How successful was it? Can you comment further?

Secondly, I am more intrigued by the failure in implementation of the subsequent large-scale proposals. Can you say why the ideas were not carried forward? Lots of other questions spring to mind about such initiatives:

  • Who were the women targeted?
  • What level of resources was given, and was lack of resources a reason for not adopting the large-scale production initiative?
  • What level of complementary services and training was provided?
  • Were markets for poultry products easily accessible?
  • Did policy makers have other priorities?

And fundamentally, did the concept transfer well from Africa to Afghanistan? I have conducted some policy research among food system stakeholders in different parts of Afghanistan and found that they are aware of the importance of considering ideas from other countries, but that projects cannot easily be copied from countries where the contexts differ.

Thanks also to Mohammad Jafar Emal for sharing your article on backyard poultry production. I was impressed that poultry production was seen as one element of an agricultural growth strategy, and not the only solution; and then, that income gained was reinvested in other economic enterprises and thus multiplied among individuals, households and in the local economy – at least to some extent.

In the introduction you have pointed out important technical factors which make poultry production a suitable enterprise. What do you think, Paul?

Can I ask another couple of questions: was location near to Mazar an important factor for success in Balkh? How successful was the project in Jauzjan and more remote areas?

And more importantly for this forum, please can you explain in greater detail about the level of control that the women beneficiaries had over production, marketing and reinvestment of the income?

Are there any other experiences out there that will help us to understand more about the potential and limitations for poultry production among women?

Many thanks