Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Vincent Bihimvyumuderi

Permanent secretary of Federation of Fishermen and Fish suppliers in Burundi

Title of the experience 

Participatory management of halieutics resources , case of lake Tnganyika

Geographical coverage


Country(ies)/Region(s) covered by the experience

Burundi, Tanzania, DR Congo

Your affiliation

Beach management Unit of fishermen, Local government, lake Tanganyika authority and fisheries direction.

How have the VGRtF been used in your context? Which specific guidelines of the VGRtF was most relevant to your experience?

The VGRTF was used to develop a co-management system (Collaborative management) in fighting against illegal fishing (illicit fishing), with specific reference to guidelines 6, 10 and 12

Brief description of the experience

There have been decline in halieutic stock (9000 tons in 2010 side Burundi) of the lake due to illegal fishing. Aware of this, government of Burundi and lake Tanganyika Authority initiated a co-management approach to fight against this illicit fishing, where were included all stakeholders. Now the stock is increasing up to 24500 tons per year (side Burundi)

Who was involved in the experience?

Beach management units of fishermen, local government, lake Tanganyika authority, marine force and the fisheries direction

How were those most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition involved?

Fishermen at all level where affected by the lost of capitals, conflicts between fishermen and local population, and no payment of taxes

Main activities

1. Sensitization of all stakeholders in fisheries management, monitoring, control and surveillance of fishing activity

2. Identification, Delimitation and protection of reproductive areas

3. Respect of closing period (Fishing calendar)


21 st December 2011----

Results obtained/expected in the short term, with quantitative aspects where feasible (estimate of the number of people that have been or will be affected)

  1. Sensitization of about 8600 fishermen and fish workers on the danger of using illegal nets
  2. Formation of 94 persons on techniques of monitoring, control and surveillance
  3. 6737 illegal fishing net destructed and burned

Results obtained/expected in the medium to long term, with quantitative aspects where feasible 

The increase in lake production is expected to reach about 4 million people living in lake Tanganyika basin

Results obtained – most significant changes to capture

Increase in production from to 9000 Tons per year (2011)  to 24500 Tons 2016 (DEPA Burundi, statistical data).

What are the key catalysts that influenced the results?

  1. Responsibilisation (render responsible) of fisheries comite (Beach management units BMU)
  2. Collaborative management between all stakeholders
  3. Existence of laws
  4. The will of government

What are the major constraints/challenges for achieving the Right to Food?

  1. Lack of capitals
  2. Corruption and terrorism to BMU members
  3. Changing of local authorities after 5 years in Burundi’system
  4. Post harvest losses
  5. Lack of competences or low capacities of the members
  6. Lack of instruments for surveillance

What good practices would you recommend for successful results?

Render responsible the BMU in management of halieutics resources

Collaborative management of resources

Links to additional information

Federation of fishermen and fish suppliers in Burundi,

Ministry of Agriculture and livestock in Burundi