Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear Moderator,

I take this opportunity to participate in the forum so as to make sure there is sustainability of capacity development initiative for us youth in agriculture sector. I will begin by answering raised questions according to my understanding and experiences from various research I participated in.

1. What are the biggest challenges youth in Africa face after going through youth-specific capacity development initiatives in agriculture?

Access to Markets- Most African countries especially Sub-Saharan countries experience market problem linkage. An issue of markets has discouraged many youth to participate in agriculture activities since efforts put are not worth to expected outcome sales. You can find that after youth have finished getting practices they are not attached to the specific organizations that demand output at the end of production. Or maybe they are promised to be connected to traders but when time arrives no traders seen.

2. What post-capacity development support do the youth need? What can the youth do to support each other in developing their skills and capacities?

- Connection to markets- There needs to be connection of youth with big markets to sell their outputs/produce.

- Good prices- There should be good prices set so as to motivate more youth to be involved in agriculture.

-Hear the voice of youth- The youth in agriculture sector should be heard explaining their setbacks so as to be solved leading to expansion of produce.

I would like to stop here to let other share their views too. Would love to hear from others and understand more issues related to Agriculture since am very passionate with farming and looking forward to be among the candidate on capacity development initiatives next time.

Thanks and looking forward to be part of the discussion.

Agape Ishabakaki.