Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

FAO Publications

Here is a selection of titles proposed by FAO Publications for forum participants who would like to read more on the complex relationship between migration and nutrition and food security.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2018: Migration, agriculture and rural development

This year’s edition analyses migratory flows and how they are linked to processes of economic development, demographic change, and natural-resource pressure

The linkages between migration, agriculture, food security and rural development

This report looks into the drivers that push people from rural areas to migrate. The main goal this title is to deepen understanding of the relations that exist between agriculture, food security and rural development.

Migration, agriculture and rural development

This publication sheds light on the role that agriculture, rural development and the sustainable management of natural resources play in curbing migration pressure in rural areas. It also discusses possible areas of further engagement to maximize the potential benefits of migration on agriculture.

Rural Africa in motion: Dynamics and drivers of migration south of the Sahara

This atlas includes maps and infographics showing rural migrants’ profiles, migration drivers and patterns, remittance flows and much more. Also available in French.

Further reading