Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

It is a praiseworthy effort.

Thank you SFS Programme- UN One Planet network for your confidence in our opinion.

The Triptolemos Foundation has developed a model that allows the Global Food System TRIPTOLEMOS Index (ITRIn), to be quantified through previously defined parameters. The model allows the forecast and comparison between food systems in different countries and territories. The model has been recognized by UNESCO with the grant of the Chair "Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development: Global Food Production and Safety".

Triptolemos Foundation defines the Global Food System on four basic axes: availability, economy, politics and knowledge, and believes that Sustainable Food Systems are linked to territory, culture, country ... and that one of its objectives should be not only be the sustainability of resources but also that production be able to ensure the availability and accessibility of a proper diet the population. In a globalized world, this objective can be articulated through a Global Food System that acts as a regulator.

On the other hand, regarding the definitions of the technical vocabulary used in the document One Planet draft v.1, we can suggest contacting the prestigious IFT (Institute of Food Technology) to create a working group that defines them in accordance with their technological evolution linked to sustainability and the maintenance of the population's food resources.

Our overall vision of the Global food System can be found in our publications The Global Food System: I-Definition of a space (2013) and The Global Food System: II-Quantitative approximation to the food space of Mediterranean Europe (2018), and in the book with the Thomson- Reuters editorial "The Food System: globalization, sustainability, security and food culture" (572 pages and 29 chapters).

We remain at your disposal for any extension and subsequent action.

Greetings from Barcelona

Kind regards

Yvonne Colomer