Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Kirit N Shelat

National Council for Climate Change

The subject you are addressing are vital – in arena of climate change. The world is slowly pushing itself with drought stricken and flood affected areas – resulting into miserable condition of small holders in developing world.

India prioritized agriculture since it became independent in 1947. “Land to Tiller” concept was our major land reform to make tenants owner– farmers in early fifties. This was followed by special programme for small and marginal farmers to provide them productive assets for strengthening their farming through bank finances. Our current approach is not only right to Food which we provided – but to increase farmers’ income on par with urban counterparts that is why we have programme for “Doubling of Income” in five years project at national level for entire country. Our small holders have come out from subsistence farming. As regards, Nutrition – there are still issues and gaps which we are trying to bridge.

What needs attention at international level is prioritizing agriculture – we have, as civil society organization, followed up this COPs. There was limited success of mention of “Food Productivity” in Paris Agreement. Nothing about farmers – small holders – who dominate world farming and are key to “Food Security”, “Nutrition Security” and all SDG goals.

We had consistently taken stand that agriculture is key to food security. Agriculture has natural capacity to mitigate as it absorbs CO2 from atmosphere – due to photosynthesis process and that reduction in land under agriculture – due to increasing non-agricultural activities is cause of global warming. If agriculture has to be successful, ‘Small farmers, marginal farmers, women farmers – need attention and need to be nurtured – as they do not like farming which has become risky business. The end result is many countries face migration – or food riots and militancy. In these parts of the world – where minimum food to survive is not available – leave apart nutrition, the hungry millions are growing.

Hence at international level and even country level agriculture – small farmers and their families need to be prioritized. As one of FAO report on nationally determined commitment reveal that in resolutions of large number of countries there is no mention of agriculture.

What needs to be done is create influential lobby for agriculture – both FAO and IFAD have to take lead. In fact GACSA under leadership of Dr. Federica of FAO has done considerable path – breaking rock. But if SDG goals are to be meet both FAO and IFAD need to come out from shadows and take lead in COP meet and influence the world leaders and address them in separate meets. This has to be at highest level. Second important initiative which both organization can take is to identify the countries - where this is required to be done. It may not be necessary in developing countries or countries which have dominant large holder (like Middle-East).

We would be happy to hold an international inter-action in Gujarat – India with your collaboration.

Thanks for response to our note.

With best wishes,