1) With respect to the proposed outline and structure of the CoC:
· a) Does the proposed outline of the CoC address the issues in an exhaustive and comprehensive way?
The outline should be comprehensive enough to capture the attention of any reader from the first sentence. It has to give the rational behind the development of internationally agreed and locally adaptable CoC.
· b) Are there any particular issues and aspects of importance that you think are not be addressed in the proposed structure?
The proposed structure should recall the problem, its seriousness and observed social and economic consequences all in terms of numbers. The outline should include what-if situations with regard to FLW
· c) Are there any disadvantages or gaps you see in the current structure
The process leading to the CoC should be bottom up and not top down as it seems to be the case in your proposed structure. Instead of starting from the global level (your level), why not staring from the grassroots and then informing the global level? There may be a cultural issues and gaps to be addressed when talking about FLW since the problem is perceived differently across cultures and level of welfare.
2) With respect to the content of the different sections of the CoC:
· a) What are the general guiding principles that you think are important for section 2.1?
Is it possible and useful to set up guiding principles for each of the various steps of the supply chain?
· b) What are the specific guiding principles and practices do you think are important for sections 2.2.1(a, b& c), 2.2.2 and 2.2.3?
The best specificity of the guiding principles should be culturally sensitive and as such, should be defined locally according to the realities of the context.
· c) Taking into account the need to foster FLW policy coherence, which cross-cutting issues are relevant to the FLW topic, as addressed in section 2.2.4?
Sound legislations are required to locally address the issues of FLW. Involvement of parliamentarians in setting up adequate laws is key for success.
3) Can you provide specific examples of policies, interventions, initiatives, alliances and institutional arrangements which should be considered as best practices in FLW prevention, reduction, food recovery, repurposing and recycling?
In Niger, the government is encouraging the creation of agro food enterprises and it appears that most of these enterprises are directly or indirectly using dried foods as a way for adding value on foods especially cereals and fruits and vegetables produced in huge quantities during harvest periods but very rare just few months after. In order to adopt drying as measure against FLW, one major challenge to addressed is related to the availability of adequate and affordable equipment as well as human resources for providing trainings to users. In collaboration with Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, ENDA Energy is setting the scene for locally designed dryers. See our recent publications on the issueshttps://www.scirp.org/Journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=92849
4) How could this Code of Conduct on FLW prevention and reduction be most useful for different stakeholders, especially at national and regional levels?
The CoC would be most useful if fully communicated and owed by all stakeholders. This could be done through consultations in which all voices could be heard.
Sr. Moussa Na Abou Mamouda