Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Prof. Yixin Xu

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Another point relevant to the target audience is that I am worried that the private parties may not voluntarily apply these guidelines because measures to enhance environmental protection and human rights will increase costs.[1] Foreign private investors may not voluntarily follow the guidelines unless there is enough price premium for more responsible agriculture activities or company branding. Then this process would need to involve independent certification schemes. Additionally, the local farmers in developing countries may not care about the environment or other long-term benefits to the extent of reducing their yearly income.[2] Hence, they may not voluntarily apply the guidelines at the cost of lower income in the short term.


[1] Preface 9, Target Audience, ALIC Zero Draft, UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD (2019), p. 12. J. M. Rodriguez, et al. "Barriers to adoption of sustainable agriculture practices: Change agent perspectives." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24.1 (2009), pp. 60-71.

[2] W. E. Oates & R. M. Schwab, ‘Economic Competition among Jurisdictions: Efficiency Enhancing or Distortion Inducing?’ (1988) 35 (3) Journal of Public Economics, pp. 333-54, at 351. E. Hettig, J. Lay & K. Sipangule, ‘Drivers of Households’ Land-Use Decisions - a Critical Review of Micro-Level Studies in Tropical Regions’ (2015) 5 (4) Land, pp. 1-32, at 18.