Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Prof. Yixin Xu

Southwest University of Political Science and Law

Indeed, a guide cannot make every interest group happy. However, a widely applicable guide with a practical dimension should provide everyone something they need. Foreign investors, grantors, national legislators, NGOs providing aid to negotiating a contract, and third-party certification schemes, every actor has different focuses, perspectives, rights, and responsibilities. The guide has done an impressive job of handling their roles. What would be more helpful is to give guidance from different perspectives and follow the same order of discussion on every issue. For example, in Part I Chapter 2 about legitimate tenure right, the guide can start with the rights and responsibilities of the investors, issues they need to pay particular attention. Then goes to local tenure rights holders, the local or national regulator, and NGOs and third parties afterward.