Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Consulta del HLPE sobre el borrador cero del informe Asociaciones entre múltiples partes interesadas para financiar y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el marco de la Agenda 2030

Durante su 43ª Sesión Plenaria (17-21 de octubre de 2016), el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) solicitó al Grupo de alto nivel de expertos en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) elaborar un informe sobre “Asociaciones entre múltiples partes interesadas (MSP, por sus siglas en inglés) para financiar y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el marco de la Agenda 2030” que se presentará en la 45ª Sesión Plenaria del CSA en octubre de 2018.

Para preparar el proceso de redacción del informe, el HLPE está organizando una consulta para recabar aportaciones, sugerencias y comentarios sobre este borrador cero. Esta consulta electrónica abierta será utilizada por el HLPE para continuar elaborando el informe, que luego se enviará a colegas que harán de revisores expertos externos, antes de ser finalizado y aprobado por el Comité Directivo del HLPE.

Los borradores cero del HLPE (V0) se presentan deliberadamente con la suficiente antelación en el proceso -como un trabajo en curso, con sus imperfecciones- para dar tiempo suficiente a considerar adecuadamente los comentarios recibidos y que puedan desempeñar un papel realmente útil en la elaboración del informe. Es una parte fundamental dentro del debate científico entre el Equipo del Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE, y el resto de la comunidad científica.

Con el fin de enriquecer e ilustrar el informe con diversidad de ejemplos, se invita a los participantes a presentar estudios de casos concretos, prácticos, bien documentados y significativos de MSP existentes -tal como se definen en el borrador cero-, usando el Cuestionario específico que se proporciona como anexo al borrador cero, y por separado como fichero de Word editable.

El HLPE alienta también a presentar material, referencias y evidencias adicionales sobre el desempeño y el impacto de las MSP existentes en el campo de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición (SAN).

Con el fin de reforzar el informe, el HLPE recibirá con satisfacción todas las sugerencias, incluidas las contribuciones con respecto a las siguientes preguntas:

  1. El objetivo del informe es analizar el papel de las MSP en la mejora y la financiación de la SAN. ¿Cree que este borrador está logrando el equilibrio correcto y ofrece suficiente espacio para financiar temas relacionados? ¿Cuáles son las dificultades para recaudar fondos para la SAN?
  2. ¿Es la estructura del informe lo suficientemente exhaustiva y está articulada adecuadamente? ¿Están los conceptos claramente definidos y se emplean de manera consistente en todo el informe? ¿Hay aspectos importantes que faltan? ¿Hay omisiones o lagunas importantes en el informe? ¿Los temas están excesiva o insuficientemente representados en relación a su importancia? ¿Existen hechos o conclusiones que puedan rebatirse o cuestionarse? Si considera que alguno es problemático, le rogamos envíe evidencias que lo justifiquen.
  3. El informe sugiere una clasificación de las MSP existentes en categorías amplias, a fin de identificar mejor los desafíos específicos y las recomendaciones concretas para cada categoría. ¿Considera que este enfoque es útil para identificar respuestas y actuaciones específicas en materia de políticas?
  4. El informe apunta a una metodología y criterios clave para describir y evaluar las actuales MSP. ¿Existen otras herramientas y metodologías de evaluación a las que se debería hacer referencia en el informe?
  5. El informe ha identificado algunas de las principales potencialidades y limitaciones de las MSP, con respecto a otros procesos que no involucran a múltiples partes interesadas. ¿Piensa que hay otros desafíos/oportunidades clave que deben ser incluidos en el informe?
  6. El último Capítulo analiza los factores internos y el entorno propicio que podrían contribuir a mejorar el resultado de las MSP para mejorar y financiar la SAN. ¿Podría aportar ejemplos específicos de políticas y programas exitosos o fallidos diseñados para conformar un entorno propicio que pueda contribuir a ilustrar y reforzar este Capítulo?

Damos las gracias por adelantado a todos los colaboradores y esperamos contar con una consulta productiva y fructífera sobre este borrador inicial del informe.

El Equipo del Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE 

Esta actividad ya ha concluido. Por favor, póngase en contacto con [email protected] para mayor información.

*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 55 contribuciones
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Eduardo Arce Díaz

Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock

Dear colleagues in CFS-HLPE,

The partners and Chair of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) would like to thank you for this opportunity to comment on this report.

Kindly find enclosed three types of contributions:

Best regards,


Eduardo Arce Díaz

Rod Cooke


Dear Colleagues,

I attach a response to this draft from the CGIAR System Organisation.

The  comment is structured according to the 6 Questions raised by the HLPE for this e-consultation. I hope that these observations are useful in contributing to strengthening the next version of this important report.


Rod Cooke

Thinah Moyo

South Africa

Thank you HLPE project team for such an enormous task you accomplished. My only contribution is regarding promotion of bee farming or honey production, as it may. This industry has potential to contribute directly to improved nutrition through domestic consumption of the honey and income generation through honey sales. To promote the industry, land that is not suitable for agricultural production and has been left fallow over years in Africa could be turned into bee farms. Disused mining land could also be turned into massive bee farms.  There are  a number of possibilities within bee farming for smallholder farming households in Africa.

Stella Joy

Active Remedy Ltd
United Kingdom


Thank you for giving us a chance to give give feed-back and input into this report.

Although it is clearly defined, we at Active Remedy believe that far greater emphasis needs to be given to the fresh water element of the FSN section of this report, as this underpins all long-term outcomes and success. A great many FAO Reports have identified and recommended this approach throughout the last 20 or more years.

“The concept of “water for FSN” designates water’s direct and indirect contributions to food security and nutrition in its four dimensions. It covers safe drinking water and sanitation, water used to produce, transform, and prepare food, as well as the contribution of water uses in all sectors to livelihoods and income and as such to food accessibility.

“Ensure sustainable management and conservation of ecosystems for the continued availability, quality and stability of water for FSN”

Water is a renewable resource. Although the amount of precipitation falling on the land surface is highly variable in space in time, rainfall can be relied on to replenish reservoirs, the soil profile and aquifers. So water is unlike other natural resources that can be fully depleted (e.g. oil and gas).” (FAO, Coping with water scarcity, 2008)

“Ensure continued availability, quality and stability of water for FSN through the conservation and sustainable management of landscapes and ecosystems, across biomes, including by using the ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity.”

If this crucial area is given greater priority and focus is given to securing and restoring the ecosystems, which maintain the global water cycle, then finances will be naturally created.

“Forests perform vital ecosystem services, including the regulation of the water and carbon cycles and protection of biodiversity, that are essential to sustainable food production and FSN in the long term.”

“Given their important role in water supply and regulation, the protection, sustainable management and restoration of mountain ecosystems will be essential.” (UNESCO, 2013,Climate Change impacts on Mountain Regions of the World.)

Otherwise even more finances and effort will be lost in continuously trying to deal with the on going damage and loss brought about by water scarcity issues and related disasters.

“FAO’s primary goals in implementing ecosystem-based approaches to land and water management are to equip society and governments with tools to asses, value, enhance and maintain the benefits of ecosystem services; to empower those in charge and users of ecosystems to better maintain and restore ecosystem services; and to strengthen governance for ecosystem approaches support through dialogue and policy actions, including the recognition of the rights of local communities and their knowledge systems.” ” (FAO Submission to the UNFCCC in the areas of ecosystems under the Nairobi work programme, 2016)

“Forests perform vital ecosystem services, including the regulation of the water and carbon cycles and protection of biodiversity, that are essential to sustainable food production and FSN in the long term.”

Active Remedy Ltd has created a ground plan for fast effective reforestation efforts throughout the world’s mountain regions. This considers FSN for local communities, improving ecosystem conditions and the reduction of poverty for about 25% of the worlds population. Also it is an inexpensive and effective cost saving method in real terms.

Thank you for your attention and consideration


Anuradha Gupta

Prithvi Innovations-10YFP-SFS program partner organization

 Thanks for providing us an opportunity to access and comment on this very important report prepared by the HLPE.

The report no doubt will be an important means to bring all of us together to address the issue of Food Security,by helping us to understand the need for having the right kind of MSPs,willing to work together, over a considerable period of time,in a sustained manner to achieve the well-defined objectives and common public interest of ensuring FOOD Security, by overcoming all challenges.

Given below are the few comments and observations,we wish to share or raise 

1) The need to consider and re-examine many more ways or basis of forming the clusters of MSPs, than just the once defined in the draft report. 

For example it's very important to understand the driving force or the reason behind the formation of MSPs and absence of any power dynamics ( due to status,funds,etc.)so that all Partners have a good understanding and consensus about the common goal (public interest )and have the freedom and faith to work in harmony.

2)    Page 48 of the draft report ,highlights Figure 3- MSPs for FSN: a logic model .

Here we wish to suggest that few important activities are to be included in the ACTIVITY column,like

Revival of good cultural and traditional knowledge and practices across borders to redefine our consumption patterns and to minimize food wastages.

 Re-examination of present lifestyle and shift to sustainable lifestyle through behavioural change as part of energizing and empowering activities. 

Optimal ulitization or management of available resources ( natural,capital,financial and Human)  

Capacity building and training shoud be a specific part of Enabing activities

Communication and Cultural bonding as part of Engaging activities


3) It is also to be emphasised here that a special reference to the 10YFP Sustainable Food System (SFS) Programme, be made in the report. 

Though being a relatively new MSP, 10YFP SFS programme has proven to be efficient it number of ways, in particular in pooling existing resources and promoting new partnerships and synergies. It is one of the most inclusive MSP in relation to FSN at the global level, with mixed government / non-government co-leadership and an advisory committee composed of five stakeholder clusters and that strives for regional balance. 

In addition, the 10YFP SFS Programme’s mandate is based on the Rio+20 outcome document, and the Programme reports to ECOSOC and the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The implementation of the 10YFP itself is enshrined in SDG 12.1.

Hence, it's important  that the 10YFP SFS Programme be included as a key example of an MSP in the area of FSN in this report. 

 Please excuse the delay in submitting our comments.Hope our submission are helpful in some way.

Thanks and best wishes ,   

Emmanuel Boon

International Centre for Enterprise and Sustainable Development (ICED)

Dear HLPE Team,

Thanks for the great work you are championing on MSPs. We are convinced the outcome of the consultations and the final report will significantly contribute to realising the objectives of the 10FYP and FNS in the world.

In addition to ICED's case study (see attachment) and proposal that we learn from the Market Oriented Agricultural Project being financed by the European Union (EU), the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Government of the Republic of Ghana, we also wish to suggest that it may be useful to glean useful insights from the below references on multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable agriculture:

1. Laurent C. Glin et al. (2014). Governing the Orgais Cocoa Network from Ghana: Towards Hybrid Governenance rrangemens? Journal of Agrarian Change, April 2014; DOI:10.1111/joac.12059.

2. World Economic Forum (2016). Building Partnerships for Sustainable Agricultural and Food Security: A Guide to Country-Led Action,

Finally, ICED is committed to actively participate in this dialogue and to share specific relevant case studies on PSPs in Ghana and Africa over time.

Best regards.

Emmanuel Boon




Josh Brem-Wilson

Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
United Kingdom

Dear HLPE Colleagues,

Please find attached my comments on 'O Draft of the Report: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs) to Finance and Improve Food Security and Nutrition in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda'. 

Very best,

Josh Brem-Wilson

Research Fellow

Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience

Coventry University