Consulta del HLPE sobre el borrador cero del Informe: Desarrollo agrícola sostenible para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, incluyendo el papel de la ganadería
En octubre de 2014, el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA) de las Naciones Unidas solicitó al Grupo de alto nivel de expertos en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) realizar un estudio sobre el Desarrollo agrícola sostenible para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, incluyendo el papel de la ganadería. Las conclusiones de este estudio se abordarán en el 43º período de sesiones plenarias del CSA (octubre de 2016).
Como parte del proceso de redacción de sus informes, el HLPE está organizando una consulta para recabar aportaciones, sugerencias y comentarios sobre el presente borrador cero. Esta consulta electrónica abierta será utilizada por el HLPE para mejorar el informe. Posteriormente será revisado por expertos externos independientes, antes de que lo finalice y apruebe el Comité Directivo del HLPE.
Los borradores cero del HLPE se presentan intencionadamente con la suficiente antelación -como un trabajo en curso, con sus imperfecciones- para disponer de tiempo y poder estudiar debidamente la información recibida, de manera que pueda resultar muy útil para la redacción del informe. Es una parte clave del diálogo científico entre el Equipo del Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE, y el resto de la comunidad científica. En este sentido, este borrador cero identifica también aspectos que pueden ser objeto de recomendaciones en una fase inicial, y el HLPE agradecería sugerencias o propuestas.
Para consolidar el informe, el HLPE agradecería recibir material, sugerencias, referencias, y ejemplos basados en evidencias, en particular en respuesta a las siguientes preguntas básicas:
- El informe es amplio y exhaustivo en el análisis de la contribución del desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición (SAN), prestando especial atención al sector ganadero por su importancia para la nutrición y sostenibilidad futuras. ¿Cree que el informe logra un equilibrio adecuado entre el desarrollo agrícola en general y el sector ganadero, específicamente en relación a sus respectivas contribuciones a la SAN?
- El informe se estructura en torno al contexto, tendencias, desafíos y caminos y respuestas. ¿Crees que estos son lo suficientemente exhaustivos, y están adecuadamente considerados y articulados? ¿Cree que el informe logra encontrar el equilibrio adecuado de la cobertura en los distintos capítulos? ¿Hay aspectos importantes que faltan?
- El borrador utiliza una clasificación para distinguir cuatro categorías generales de sistemas ganaderos, con el fin de identificar mejor desafíos específicos y vías sostenibles de desarrollo para cada uno de ellos. ¿Considera que este enfoque es útil para identificar respuestas y acciones de políticas específicas en diferentes contextos socioeconómicos y medioambientales?
- El informe hace referencia a proyecciones y estudios prospectivos clave para la identificación de los factores impulsores y las tendencias de aquí a 2050. ¿Existen otros estudios a los que el informe debe hacer referencia, que ofrezcan puntos de vista diferentes sobre las perspectivas de futuro del sector agrícola (incluyendo la ganadería), y que se centren en particular en la nutrición y la dieta?
- El informe ha identificado una amplia variedad de desafíos a los que podríamos enfrentarnos próximamente y que deberán ser tenidos en cuenta por los responsables de las políticas y otras partes interesadas, de forma que el desarrollo agrícola sostenible pueda contribuir a la SAN. ¿Cree que hay otros desafíos/oportunidades clave que deben ser tratados en el informe, incluyendo aquellos relacionados con las tecnologías emergentes, la concentración e intensificación de la producción ganadera, y las implicaciones para los piensos (cultivos y semillas oleaginosas) y el comercio internacional?
- En el capítulo 4 del informe se ha propuesto un enfoque de la toma de decisiones que podría ser útil para los responsables de las políticas en el diseño e implementación de las políticas y acciones. ¿Es este un enfoque útil y pragmático?
- El capítulo 4 incluye también estudios de casos/ejemplos de la evolución de las políticas y acciones de desarrollo agrícola en diferentes contextos y países. ¿Podría ofrecer otros ejemplos significativos, prácticos y bien documentados que puedan aportar algo y equilibrar mejor los diversos casos y lecciones aprendidas en el desarrollo agrícola, incluyendo las compensaciones o resultados mutuamente beneficiosos a la hora de abordar las diferentes dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y la SAN?
- A menudo, la dimensión social del desarrollo agrícola sostenible no ha sido bien descrita ni comprendida, entre otras razones debido a la falta de datos. Los ejemplos y experiencias sobre estos temas (medios de vida, cuestiones de género, intercambios, situación de los trabajadores por cuenta propia frente a trabajadores asalariados, condiciones de trabajo, etc.) podrían resultar de especial interés para el equipo.
- Los sectores iniciales y finales están jugando un papel cada vez más importante en la orientación del desarrollo agrícola, la elección de los alimentos y las dietas. ¿Puede proporcionar ejemplos del papel que estos sectores desempeñan en el desarrollo agrícola sostenible y la SAN?
- ¿Cuáles son las principales iniciativas de políticas o intervenciones exitosas para mejorar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas alimentarios, en diferentes países y contextos, que merezcan ser debatidos en el informe? ¿Hay pruebas del potencial de los incentivos económicos, y en tal caso cuáles (impuestos, subsidios, etc.), de los enfoques normativos, de la creación de capacidad, del I+D y de las acciones voluntarias de los actores del sistema alimentario?
- El diseño e implementación de políticas para la SAN requiere datos robustos y comparativos a lo largo del tiempo y entre diferentes países. ¿Qué datos que están faltando deberían recopilar los gobiernos y las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales en el futuro para comprender las tendencias y formular mejores políticas?
- ¿Tiene el informe alguna carencia u omisión significativa? ¿Hay temas poco o demasiado representados en relación a su importancia? ¿Incluye datos o conclusiones refutadas o cuestionables? Si es así, por favor envíe las pruebas que lo justifiquen.
Agradecemos de antemano a todos los colaboradores la amabilidad de leer y comentar esta versión inicial del informe y trasladarnos sus sugerencias.
Esperamos que la consulta sea productiva y enriquecedora.
El Equipo de Proyecto y el Comité Directivo del HLPE.
- Leer 99 contribuciones
Lin Ding
To the Secretary of the HLPE,CFS,
We understand that the V0 draft report of Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition, including the Role of Livestock is publicly available on the HLPE consultation platformon the website of CFS.
Due to the continues communication with our capital for some days more, we here have some additional comments and revise suggestions below which we would like to share with you and contribute for any help of the last version’s release, and also for your reference for the further precise research work and how to make closely cooperation with Chinese experts.
Please find all the comments followed with the pagemark which help you to finding them.
Page.13.In relation to chemicals, the cause can be either illicit additives, such as the melamine introduced into powdered milk in China, or additives introduced to achieve specific properties such as taste, longer shelf-life or appearance.
Response: Wedon’t think it is convenient for you to express like this way, suchmelamine event in china is not unique issue in the world, itcontributes to the amplification effect by the public medias which chase their explosive effects and audience ratings as well.
As a professional report,this V0 draft report should align with the principle of objective and impartial that FAOand CFS insist.
We suggest delete the sentence followed: such as the melamine introduced into powdered milk in China.
Page.15.There has, however, also been a reverse trend in some other countries including some large non-OECD economies such as Indonesia, the Russian Federation and China, which are moving from effective taxation of agriculture to becoming significant subsidizers, in some cases approaching OECD country levels, and with the potential for the same damaging impacts on poorer countries’ agricultural interests.
Response: We suggest delete the sentence followed: in some cases approaching OECD country levels, and with the potential for the same damaging impacts on poorer countries’ agricultural interests.
Page.51.In China, for example, food production is said to be dominated by “elephants and mice”; in other words, a great majority of informal sector actors who are difficult to monitor and a few large companies that have incentives to escape or capture regulation (Alcorn and Ouyang, 2012). These structural challenges are compounded by generally poor capacity to enforce regulation in many developing countries.
Response:Consider with the objectivity of the text content, it may be true, but does not mean all,we believe it does not represent the views of mainstream and may be misled some readers who are not fully understand the so called structural challenges.
CFSshould not intake all the“special”views from some experts as itsformal proposal or decisions in the future and with freely.
We suggest delete the whole paragraph above.
Page.56.In China, recent years have seen: the use of melamine to increase the apparent protein level of baby milk; ink to colour noodles; and sodium borate used to make cheap pork resemble beef (GFSF, 2011). A meta-review of studies of acute food poisoning sourced from Chinese academic databases for the period 2000–2010, covering 2 387 individual incidents of acute food-borne illnesses, found food additives were responsible for 9.9 20 percent。
Response: Theseabove are some of the more extreme examples, actually, we can also find and would like to share with you more examples with more negative effects from some countries even some developed countries as well.
Please kindly noted that if your opinion could not cover all examples, please don’t make one or two countries to bear all the responsibilities of the crisis that we all face. And more,the Chinese academic databases which you cited should be clarified as the standard reference articles annexed.
We fully suggest delete the whole paragraph above or clarify the second half of the paragraph in page 56.
Veuillez trouver ci-joint les commentaires du Groupe interministériel pour la sécurité alimentaire de la France sur le draft du rapport HLPE Développement agricole durable propice à la sécurité alimentaire et à la nutrition, y compris le rôle de l’élevage.
Toutes nos excuses pour cet envoi tardif.
Honorable Dr .Vincent Gitz. Coordinator of HLPE
My best compliments to you and all humans who think about happiness ,food security and welfare of not only present , but also future generations .I hope all of you are happy , healthy and successful in your work and life.
Subject :My view points about 94 pages of HLPE draft V0 ,published by [email protected] to :[email protected] .In Tuesday ,October 13 , 2015 , under the title of :
HLPE Report on:
Sustainable Agricultural Development for Food Security and Nutrition,
Including the Role of Livestock
e-Consultation on the Draft V0
in advance, I ,cordially ,apologize you for sending you my comments in delay ,I hope maybe it will be useful for final version of HLPE draft.
I read the 94 pages (Include the references)of draft V0 very patiently and very accurately with the extremity of trusteeship(without citing and quoting) with taking into my consideration of 12 questions.
The draft was relatively complete and comprehensive from writing the related subjects point of view . I mean that all important subjects has been discussed and analyzed, the important subjects such as: economic , social , environmental ,marketing and trade ,different livestock breeding systems etc .BUT, In my opinion , some subjects were more or less stressed(Emphasized).On the other word , I believe that some important subjects must be added or must be more stressed as follow:
1-Now ,in 2015 ,if we want to complete the draft of AFS(Mainly ,the draft which has the outlook of 2050 ,we must give the first priority(Importance) to:
A-Political conditions ,mainly ,Asian and African developing countries .Unfortunately ,as you see ,ominous phenomenon of terrorism , imposed and unwillingly internal and external wars along with other destructive phenomenon such as climate change have shadowed the human being of 21st century. Accordingly, these ominous phenomenon ,No-doubt, will affect the all economic ,social-environmental ,cultural and ethical issues .Every kind of programming include global food security ,is feasible and accessible only , only in a calm and secured environment ,specially ,agriculture activities which is involved with different socio-economic ,climatic and geographic aspects in two vast continents of Asia and Africa. Therefore, I believe that ,terminating and destroying ominous phenomenon of terrorism and providing a calm and peaceful world is the first ,the most fundamental and vital prerequisite for every kind of developmental project including plans and projects of animal food security ,Therefore ,all global organizations ,governments ,NGOs etc must take this bitter and painful fact into their consideration before compiling every kind of global , regional ,continental or country level(Particularly while compiling final version of HLPE) . In this connection, International bodies such as international organization who are linked with united nations have heavier responsibility on their shoulder.
B-Another very important point which must be referred and taken into consideration while compiling the final version of HLPE is :Mental and cordial persuasion(cordial belief) of high level policy-makers in all countries such as :presidents , prime ministers , ministers member of parliaments and academic(Universities) ,research centers etc .They must cordially believe and do their best for food security of all people of not only present , but their next generation(without compromising the environment).without their keenness every developmental project(Such as animal food production) will be ineffective or less effective .Their enthusiasm originated from their belief to necessity of food security ,surely will cause their support and finally will result in happiness and more incentive among deprived and poor farmers , mainly small size farmers (who have a few domestic animal with or without crop production) who produce milk and meat , not only for their family ,but sale the surplus and get income .Therefore ,I request you to mention this point in the final version of HLPE .During 43rd session of HLPE , the policy-makers who have significant role in executing the food security projects must be obliged do their best in the way of food security for future generation.
2-Another point which I think has been weakly seen in the HLPE draft V0 , is serious necessity of conservation of Indigenous(Local) animal genetic resources .In the spite , some international bodies (Mainly FAO)have started this point from about 30 years ago , but , I think it is not sufficient .I think Final draft of HLPE version ,must pay attention to this point more serious.
Because the world’s food systems are being squeezed from all sides: rising populations and changing diets are increasing the global demand for food, while food production is increasingly compromised by climate change and land degradation. In such sensitive and vital condition , These are only local animals which can tolerate hard and unfavorable environmental and management conditions(lack of good feed stuffs ,animal diseases , parasitic diseases etc).local AnGR ,are able to use the wastes and residues ,more economic at least , at subsistence level .In addition to , they are national heritage of each country and as the source of variance they are the base of every scientific and research work in the field of genetic improvement , breed synthesis , nutritional research etc .So , I think Final draft of HLPE version ,must pay attention to this point more serious.
3- Another point which I think has been weakly seen in the HLPE draft V0 , is emphasis on the vital and the most prominent role of small-size animal breeders who live and work in the rural areas in the way of animal food security(With or without crop production).
Because of many social-economic-environmental and ethical reasons . They mustn’t be seen only as a producer of milk and meat , but , they are the best custodians of ecosystem and local animal breeds .If rural farmers have happy life with proper welfare and sufficient income , surely , they will remain in their rural areas ,Therefore , wont migrate to urban areas , accordingly ,both ,rural and urban population have happy and beautiful life ,Vice versa. I ,cordially, believe that final draft of HLPE ,must give special emphasis on the rural development ,with more emphasis on the small-size farmers who produce milk and meat in these areas.
4-- Another point which I think has been weakly seen (somewhat is neglected) in the HLPE draft V0 is ,
The processing and treatment of plant or animal wastes ,by-products and residues in order to best exploit of them in animal feeding and finally , not only convert them to milk and meat but avoid of polluting the environment , economic advantages and the most important, lack of competition of these materials with human foods. I ,cordially, believe that final draft of HLPE ,must give special emphasis on the best and the most usage of these materials in animal feeding , because of different economic-environmental and social reasons.
5-In the end , if my letter became long , I cordially , apologize you ,I wrote my view points only based on my human duties versus my next generation(Surely ,in 2050 , I am passed away).
Note: I am too much interested in participating in 43rd session of HLPE in 2016.If it is possible please, do inform me ,I prepare a presentation(I have 31 years of experience on the rural development mainly on the working with small size and deprived livestock keepers)
Thank you very much for your soon reply
Mr.hamidreza naderfard.M.Sc in genetic and animal breeding(Born in 1959)
Head expert of buffalo development in Iran(I will be retired in July 2016).Ministry of agriculture.Tehean.Iran
Mobile:0098(0)936 877 9010
Dear Collegues,
In addition to the comments sent from Secretariat of International Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA, Brazil, here are some remarks.
A) MAPA believes that a wider food supply chain sustainability is related with the balance among efficiency, management, food safety, quality, animal and human welfare, environment support and profit. These factors must to be guaranteed in/by each of the food chain stakeholders ('from farm to fork' approach). Regarding livestock sustainability, all these elements are presented in MAPA's programs in order to support the productives sector for implementation of best practices in livestock supply chain, including best agricultural practices, best animal and food transportation practices, best industries processing practices (HACCP, GMP, SSOPs) and of quality management system.
For instance, the Brazilian Decree n. 8533/2015 established the "Programa Mais Leite Saudável" ("Healthy Milk Program" - with the main objectives to improve the milk quality/safety and a wider sustainability though the Brazilian dairy production chains. As the means of reaching them, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriulture (together with some strategic Universities and EMBRAPA, Dairy Farmers Associations, Dairy Industries Associations, States Agriulture Federations and others) will support the promotion and implementation of good milk production, milk transportation and milk processing practices protocols. More than 80.000 milk producers will be supported in the next 4 years and at least the largest 50 milk processing industries are already participating. A public budget close to US$300 million is foreseen for the next 4 years and much more in private budget from 2015 on (the private budget and private efforts have no limitations on values or time).
Please, see also some suggestions in answer to the question:
- 12. Are there any major omissions or gaps in the report? Are topics under-or over-represented in relation to their importance? Are any facts or conclusions refuted or questionable? If any of these are an issue, please send supporting evidence.
B) A huge concern in many developing countries, mainly in the large ones (like Brazil), is the efficiency and the quality on food transportation. Regarding the efficiency, all the food supply system should be improved in order to mitigate the food losses during transportation, including the repairing and enlargement of roads, ports, airports and water transport systems. Regarding the quality on transportation, this issue is also very important in relation with the welfare of slaughtering animals and with to maintenance of the food quality and safety thru food chain (from farms to food processing plants / from food processing plants to food distribution centers/supermarkets), including the mitigation of economic and sanitary food frauds during the transportation processes.
Best regards,
Heber Brenner
Official Veterinarian
Head of Best Practices in Livestock Supply Chain
Department of Production and Sustainability Systems - DEPROS
Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA
The categories of livestock systems and the contribution of livestock to food security and nutrition in developing countries are well described in section 2.3, pages 30-35 of the draft report. That is, mixed crop-livestock systems produce 65% of beef, 75% of milk and 50% of lamb. Literature also indicates an efficient cycling of nutrients among crops, animals and soil is crucial to the sustained productivity of low-input mixed farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa where constraints including access to agricultural inputs such as fertilizer and improved seed are limited and nutrient balances or the difference between nutrient inputs and harvests are negative for many production systems. Livestock can contribute to efficient nutrient cycling as well as avert the nutrient imbalances (Powel et al 1995). A number of studies as reported by FAO XXX also reveal that farmers engaged in mixed crop–livestock production earn half or more of their cash income from animal products. Livestock play an important role in conservation agriculture practices. Citing literature, comparing Conservation Agriculture and Conventional draft (CD) tillage practices in Zambia showed that labour productivity (Kg/day) for the Magoye Ripper was higher (US$47.61) than the Conventional draft tillage (US$30.27), FAO (2010). The returns to labour for using the Magoye Ripper (US$2.65) were as well higher than the conventional draft (US$1.28). It is worth noting the riipers are drawn by cattle(oxen). See Document attached for more information.
FAO. 2010. Cultivating Sustainable Livelihoods: Socio-Economic Impacts of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa. FAO-Regional Emergency Office for Southern Africa (REOSA)
Powell J M, Fernández-Rivera S, Williams T O and Renard C (eds). 1995. Livestock and Sustainable Nutrient Cycling in Mixed Farming Systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Volume II: Technical Papers. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22–26 November 1993. ILCA (International Livestock Centre for Africa), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 568 pp.
WFP comments on CFS HLPE Livestock report V0 draft
While FSN is mentioned repeatedly as one of the key focus areas for how the contribution of the production and consumption of livestock is assessed, the attention to nutrition remains very superficial and there are a couple of basic errors in the report as well. More information could be included about how food systems could be linked to nutrition and thereby improving nutrition. The report would also benefit from making more linkages with the contribution to SDG2s, as discussed in the introduction.
A. Errors:
P8 – lines 4-11, states the following: 800 million hungry, 2.5 billion affected by malnutrition and 2.1 billion overweight including 671 million obese. What is meant with ‘malnutrition’, should this be 2 billion with micronutrient deficiencies?
- P11 – lines 16-18, similar statistics, but now it says 795 with chronic undernourishment (instead of ‘hungry’), two billion suffering from nutrient deficiencies, which should be MICROnutrient deficiencies, and two billion overweight or obese.
- Furthermore, undernutrition in early life, or stunting, affects 26% of under-fives. Considering that this affects individuals for life, and prevalence was higher among the generation that are adults today, more than 2 billion people live with the consequences of stunting during their early childhood. ASF play an important role in the prevention of stunting (see below), which should be mentioned early on in the report.
- Definitions & terms
- P11 – line 20, states that undernourishment is the result of chronic calorie deficiency, while undernourishment is in fact defined as not having enough calories’. By stating that it is the result of chronic calorie deficiency, it is equated to a clinical sign, which is not how this term is defined and the number affected is estimated. Malnutrition is observed at the individual level using biochemical and anthropometric indicators, not undernourishment. And more importantly, malnutrition can be due to many dietary deficiencies (kcal, micronutrients etc) as well as illness (i.e. direct causes in UNICEF conceptual framework).
- P8 – lines 31-37, mentions ‘sources of vitamins and key micronutrients’ – vitamins and minerals are ‘micronutrients’, so if something is a source of key micronutrients, that already includes vitamins (as well as minerals)
- Nutrients contained in ASF
- P8 – lines 31-37 states that several micronutrients are contained in ASF that are not found in plant foods. However, only vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods. What should be said instead is that although most micronutrients are also found in plant foods, their content, but particularly their bioavailability, is better from ASF. Good examples are iron, zinc, vitamin A. This makes ASF an important source of (micro) nutrients, especially for groups with high needs (young children, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from undernutrition).
- The emphasis for the role of ASF should be on how they are an essential part of the diet to ensure that nutrient requirements are being met, especially among those that are nutritionally most at-risk. This is a different focus compared to what is stated in P8 – lines 31-37: ‘valuable in combating malnutrition’, which gives the impression that once malnutrition is diagnosed, animal foods should be prescribed.
Similar comments apply to P17, lines 38-48.
B. Need for more in-depth discussion on role of different ASF in the diet, whose diet, and in what amounts
The role of ASF as source of essential nutrients during particular periods of the lifecycle needs to be mentioned. On p17, from line 49 onwards, there is discussion on the importance and also on the risks of animal source foods, without becoming more nuanced about why ASF are important and for whom and in what amounts, as well as which types are better (fish, poultry, eggs, dairy) and which should be consumed in moderation (red meat, processed meat).
For young children, dairy is important for linear growth (stunting prevention), which is important to mention specifically.
With regard to amounts that can be consumed, there is a very good discussion on balancing energy, climate change and health in McMichael, Powles, Butler & Uauy, Lancet 2007;370:1253-63, and it will be very good to compare their recommended per capita intake to the intakes reported on p27, lines 22-29 and p24, lines 8-24 of the CFS report V0.
C. Other Specific Comments
- Particular parts of the report are more (or only) focused on livestock, e.g. chapter 2.7 and 3.1.2. Conclusions of chapter 2 could include more information on sustainable agricultural development. With respect to 3.1.2., it is not clear why interlinkages between gender and agricultural development have not been made – is the intended focus jus ton on livestock in this part of the report?
- Page 32-33: In total, six different types of systems are distinguished in the report, i.e. pastoralist and agro-pastoralist systems, smallholder mixed farming systems, intensive livestock systems, commercial ranchers, intensive crop farming and smallholder systems where animals represent less than 10 percent of the total farm output in value terms. It is not clear why Table 1 on page 59-60 only includes the first four livestock systems.
- Page 17, lines 49-50: How about the WHO guideline on limited red/processed meat intake? (
- Page 23-24: it is not clear why FAO projections are presented in a separate chapter. Would suggest combining 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, also because ‘projections’ are again discussed in 2.1.2, lines 39-41 and lines 46-48.
- Page 60, lines 6-9: It now seems that livestock is not nutritious, however the high nutritional value of meat (protein, micronutrients) has been discussed before and is not taken into account here. Suggestion to include more precision on broad claims.
Please find attached our comments on the zero draft of the HLPE report.
With kind regards,
Marzella Wüstefeld, PhD, MSc
United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition
La Representación Permanente de México agradece el envío primer borrador del informe “Desarrollo agrícola sostenible para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, incluyendo el papel de la ganadería”, elaborado por el Grupo de Alto Nivel de Expertos en Seguridad Alimentaria y –en atención a la solicitud del Grupo- se permite transmitir los siguientes comentarios de sus autoridades nacionales:
- El documento cumple de manera integral respecto al tratamiento de las diversas áreas para poder tener acceso a los alimentos, con objeto de lograr la seguridad alimentaria. Asimismo, cumple con el objetivo propuesto de dar a conocer la importancia del rol del sector ganadero en el desarrollo sustentable agrícola para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las poblaciones.
- En el informe se establecen de manera concreta los sistemas de producción ganadera actual y los efectos que estos han tenido en los aspectos económicos y ambientales; sin embargo, dada la importancia que tienen los alimentos de origen animal en el consumo de la población y de sus beneficios en el estado de nutrición para combatir la desnutrición y algunas deficiencias nutricionales de los individuos vulnerables, resulta necesario incluir al sector ganadero en el marco de la agricultura sustentable.
- Se reconoce a la dimensión social de la sustentabilidad como la más complicada de lograr, ya que se encuentra constituida por una amplia gama de determinantes globales, las cuales se diversifican en cada país lo que complica su estudio y comparación.
- El informe resalta el reconocimiento de la salud y la alimentación humana como un aspecto continuo de la salud del medio ambiente, por lo que se considera que el desarrollo sustentable agrícola y ganadero garantiza la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las poblaciones humanas, así como el cuidado y mantenimiento de sus ecosistemas.
- La inclusión de los estudios de caso en el informe facilitará a los tomadores de decisiones y otros interesados en seleccionar y adecuar una estrategia en este contexto.
- El capítulo 3, sección 3.4.2 no debiera enfocarse únicamente a las enfermedades infecciosas ocasionadas por el consumo de los productos de origen animal, por lo que se estima que en dicho apartado se debe hacer referencia al consumo excesivo de ciertos alimentos que están vinculados con el desarrollo de la obesidad y las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, ya que si el objetivo es buscar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, se estima de especial importancia resaltar los efectos adversos en la salud por el consumo inadecuado de estos alimentos.
Mucho se agradecerá tomar en cuenta estas aportaciones al proyecto de informe.
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