Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Hacia el desarrollo de un Programa de Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles (SFSP)

Estimados todos,

De conformidad con el Memorando de Entendimiento mejorado firmado el 24 de Septiembre de 2014, por el Director General de la FAO y el Director Executivo del PNUMA, la FAO y el PNUMA están desarrollando conjuntamente un programa sobre sistemas alimentarios sostenibles en el Marco decenal de Programas sobre modalidades de Consumo y Producción Sostenibles (10YFP), basado en la experiencia y el trabajo del Programa Sostenible de Sistemas Alimentarios FAO-PNUMA. La iniciativa sigue a una decisión del Grupo de Trabajo Agroalimentario sobre Consumo y Producción Sostenibles del SFSP de la FAO-PNUMA, la aprobación de la Junta del 10YFP de una propuesta preliminar presentada por la FAO y el PNUMA, y la recomendación de la Comisión de Agricultura de la FAO en su 24º período de sesiones.

Dentro de este proceso, una consulta pública está organizada para:

  1. Recopilar información sobre las iniciativas relevantes para el desarrollo del Programa, en particular para evitar la duplicación y facilitar sinergias y asociaciones [utilice este formulario]
  2. recoger comentarios y aportaciones sobre un borrador corto del documento de exposición de conceptos, para continuar el desarrollo del Programa [utilice este formulario]
  3. recoger expresiones de interés potencial de entidades para participar en el Programa como líderes/colíderes y/o como miembros del Comité asesor de múltiples partes interesadas (CAM) y/o coordinadores del área de trabajo y/o simples socios [utilice este formulario].

Los resultados de la consulta se utilizarán para desarrollar aún más el documento de exposición de conceptos. Se constituirá un Comité consultivo de múltiples partes interesadas (CAM), con líderes y colíderes.

Los líderes y colíderes, con el CAM finalizarán el documento de exposición de conceptos y prepararán una propuesta de programe, que se presentará a la Secretaria del 10YFP para la validación oficial de la Junta del 10YFP. Para más detalles sobre el proceso por favor visitar

Le damos las gracias de antemano por su interés, apoyo y esfuerzos, y por compartir sus conocimientos y experiencias con nosotros.

Esperamos contar con sus contribuciones

Sra Maria Helena Semedo

FAO Director General Adjunto

Sr Ibrahim Thiaw

UNEP Director Ejecutivo Adjunto


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*Pinche sobre el nombre para leer todos los comentarios publicados por ese miembro y contactarle directamente
  • Leer 154 contribuciones
  • Ampliar todo

Daniel Crossley

Food Ethics Council
United Kingdom

Please find attached a response from the Food Ethics Council on ‘Towards the development of the programme on sustainable food systems’.

We welcome the opportunity to respond to the consultation, which has lots of positive elements to it. We strongly support work to encourage collaboration and to accelerate progress towards genuinely sustainable (environmentally sustainable, fair, humane and healthy) food systems.

However, we would like to see a more explicit focus on fairness and on sustainable diets. We also believe that the scope should extend beyond market-based and voluntary solutions, as these can only ever be part of the overall solution, given the scale and urgency of the challenges we face.

If you have any follow up questions, please get in touch.

Kind regards


Delanie Kellon

International Dairy Federation

Dear  Madam/Sir:

Thank you very much for the opportunity to comment on the draft concept note. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this valuable effort in the future.

Attached, please find comments from the International Dairy Federation (IDF). I would be grateful if you could confirm receipt of the document. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,


Delanie Kellon, PhD

Technical Manager

Direct Tel: +32 2 325 67 53

Cell phone: +32 491 71 24 99

[email protected]

Dear Madam/Sir,

Herewith we would like to provide you with FoodDrinkEurope contribution to the FAO-UNEP Consultation: Towards the Development of the Programme on Sustainable Food Systems.

We attach our expression of interest to become members and partners of the 10YFP- SFSP and initiatives for sustainable food systems.

Kind regards,

Patricia Lopez

Avenue des Nerviens 9-31- 1040 Bruxelles - BELGIUM - Tel. 32 2 5141111 
[email protected] - - ETI Register 75818824519-45

Dr. Stephen Thornhill

Department of Food Business & International Development, University College Cork, Ireland

Congratulations on the draft concept note on this important issue.

I think it needs to have a stronger focus on ethics and equity as key issues in delivering food and nutrition security and would therefore propose that the "goal" needs to be changed to “sustainable and ethical food systems” to encourage a fairer distribution of resources within the system and to protect the livelihoods of the poor.

I think the draft also needs to highlight that food systems sit within different socio-economic and political contexts, which may not be coherent with a move toward sustainable food systems (eg WTO and other free trade agreements currently being negotiated, national policies to encourage large-scale intensive farming in developing countries, etc).

In terms of promoting the move toward a more sustainable food system,  this is a global scale issue and requires commitments from governments and organisations to ensure that more sustainable food systems are actually implemented, in a similar way to how climate change targets have been set. I would therefore incorporate a 5th objective to “Develop and recommend a set of policies and targets that UN members and other signatories should adopt to ensure that sustainable food systems are delivered”.  

And on the work areas, the focus on "market-based and voluntary" solutions may not be sufficient. Mandatory sustainability certification and standards may be required, as experience has shown with the many voluntary biofuel sustainability certification schemes, most of which do not adequately address food and nutrition security.

Finally I would encourage that under work area 1 there should be a central platform and website housed at FAO which would assemble and disseminate all relevant information on this vital issue, with links to the various platforms and initiatives.

David Mugambi Mbuba


Dear Ms Maria Helena Semedo,

Attached are filled up forms  from GRADIF-K in relation to the above subject. Looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards!

David Mugambi Mbuba

Natural Resource Management & Climate Change Coordinator Grassroots Development Initiatives Foundation-Kenya (GRADIF-K) Located at the Motors (Nthiga) Plaza, 1st Floor P.O Box 595-60400 Chuka Town, Tharaka Nithi County

Mobile: + 254 728911803 or + 254 735402298

Email: [email protected] or  [email protected]