Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Perfil de los miembros

Sr. Chonyui Duna

Organización: Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network
País: Camerún
Campo(s) de especialización:
I am working on:

Feeding broilers with loacto-fermented feed and testing their growth performance

Este miembro contribuyó a:

    • Question asked by Justin Chisenga:

      Chonyui Duna (Cameroon): based on your experience in agriculture, what would you want the Rwanda Youth Conference to do that would help you and other youth to achieve your/their greatest wish?


      I want that the Rwanda Youth Conference, should give me support be it financially and or materially that will help me expand my farm (create more space, build up new infrastructure and increase my productivity). This farm will serve as a training/ reference centre for youths who are willing to engage in the field of agriculture. All this will go a long way to reduce unemployment, hunger and poverty in Bamenda (my region) and Cameroon at large.


    • 1. Experience as a Youth in the Agriculture Sector

      As an African youth and Cameroonian to be précised, we are blessed with a lot of natural resources which are readily available for exploitation when it comes to agriculture. From my own point of view, In Cameroon and In the African Continent at large, we cannot be saying resources are not scarce. Most African youths are just lazy and very inpatient to start up from a scale. Most youths are afraid to take risk. Many African youths believe in getting fast money without any stress. Agriculture needs a lot of time and patient to get good yields from the field be it in livestock or crop production.

      What motivated me into Agriculture?

      Firstly, the passion to rear animals and cultivate my own crop and see them grow.

      Secondly, I hate to be hungry and to see others hungry when there are natural resources around us that can be manage sustainably in order to alleviate famine and extreme poverty.

      Lastly I don’t admire working under someone knowing well that with very little capital, I can start up a small farm of my own (be an entrepreneur), create employment for myself and for others who are interested in engaging in the field of Agriculture.

      2) Major Achievements and Success Stories

      My name is Chonyui Bouldwin Duna, a Cameroonian by nationality born on the 12/06/1994 in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. I had my Ordinary level in 2012 and Advance level in 2013 all in Progressive Comprehensive High School (P.C.H.S)MankonBamenda and was later enrolled into the College of Technology of The University of Bamenda in November 2013 through a competitive entrance exams. I Studied Agriculture and to be précised Animal Production Technology.

      For the Academic year2015/2016, I was elected as the departmental president of mydepartment (Animal Production Technology).

      For the Academic year 2016/2017, I was elected as the Student Association President of the College of Technology.

       Finally, I graduated in December 2017 with a B-Tech in Animal Production Technology with a Second Class Honor (Upper Division) with a GPD of 3.06.

      I run a small farm where I raise chickens, breed and sale German shepherd puppies and also cultivate some garden crops such as tomatoes, leeks just to name a few to earn a living. I have been engaged in this since 2013.


      I have a brooding room with size 2x4 m with a capacity of 300 day old chicks and a fattening barn sized 3x4 m with a capacity of 120 mature broiler chickens (45 days of age and above). I also have two cages where I breed my dogs (Cross bred German shepherd)


      I offer extensive services to backyards chicken farmer to whom I supply with three weeks old chicks (training them how to raise the birds in a sustainable manner e.g feeding birds with fermented feed which is climate friendly), Consultancy to neighbors who want to start up their own farms and I also offer training to young farmers on how to brood and raise their own birds.

      Expanding my farm is my greatest wish as of now because I have the prospect of training more youths but my space is insufficient. I have skills and the potential to meet SDG 1 and 2 and also reduce unemployment to a significant percentage in Cameroon, Africa and the world at large.