Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

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    • I work with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) and while we focus on youth active in the agricultural sector from the age of 18, we understand that the decisions and attitudes towards disciplines are formed at an earlier age.

      Our experience with secondary schools: Some of our members who have made successful careers in the agricultural sector have been supported to go to secondary schools in their country to tell their story.  We know that not only is there is minimal and negative education on farming and the agricultural sector, but there is also little coverage on what the different possibilities are in this sector; such as opportunities further along the value chain or how to bring value addition closer to the farm. This approach is meant to provide a measured understanding of what is possible - not agriculture is wonderful for everyone and everyone should do it, but this is what you could do, if you so choose. Feedback we receive is that the students appreciate learning about what the different opportunities are and these are largely new for them.

      Our experience on what rural youth want: I do think that initiatives that look at youth employment in agriculture also need to work with rural development programmes.  Research that we conducted recently in Morocco on the aspirations of young rural people revealed that instead of identifying key critical skills that they need for the job of their dreams, they were still asking for better roads and schools as their top priorities.  Thus, our approaches should work within context specific realities as well as with other programmes addressing some of the root causes of poverty.

      Thanks for the discussion.

      Courtney Paisley, YPARD Director

    • >> РУССКАЯ ВЕРСИЯ НИЖЕ <<>> 中文版见下文 <<

      The importance of having youth input into new strategies for Central Asia, China and all other countries/regions cannot be understated.  To create systems whereby the youth are interested and committed to becoming involved in agriculture, they must be involved in priority setting.  Agricultural innovation systems must make provisions for youth inclusion and input if they are to create any sustainable change.  

      We know that in many countries decisions are taken by leaders at the highest level without inclusion of other groups. These are not inclusive and can never make real revolutions in the food system that impacts all of those who are part of it.  Interesting discussion and thanks to Botir Dosov, who has been calling upon young professionals to contribute to this discussion. 

      Не стоит занижать важность вклада молодежи в новые стратегии для Центральной Азии, Китая и всех других стран / регионов. При создании систем, где молодежь будет заинтересована и готова быть вовлеченной в сельское хозяйство, должны быть установлены приоритеты. Сельскохозяйственные инновационные системы, если хотят создать любые устойчивые изменения, должны предусматривать включение молодежи и их участие.
      Мы знаем, что во многих странах решения принимаются руководителями на самом высоком уровне без включения других групп. Это не является полноценным и никогда не может способствовать реальным изменениям в продовольственных системах, последствия кторых воздействуют на всех, что является частью этого. Интересное обсуждение и благодарю Батыра Досова, который призывает молодых специалистов вносить свой вклад в эту дискуссию.
      在中亚、中国以及所有其他国家/区域的新战略中采纳青年人意见的重要性不容忽视。要建立青年人感兴趣且有志投身农业的体系 ,就必须在确定优先重点时吸引他们参与其中。农业创新体系必须要为青年参与和贡献做出安排,只有这样才能造就具有持续性的变革。
      我们知道许多国家的决策由最高领导层做出,并无其他群体参与其中。这些决策没有包容性,因此无法实现粮食系统的真正革命,从而对所有成员发挥影响。这是一次很有意义的讨论,我对Botir Dosov表示感谢,因为他一直在呼吁青年专业人士参与此次讨论。 
      Courtney Paisley,全球农业发展青年论坛(YPARD),意大利