Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Seguridad alimentaria

Informes y resúmenes

Monitoring food security in countries with conflict situations

This report aims to provide an overview of the food security situation in conflict-affected countries and to provide regular monitoring of the food security situation in the countries currently being monitored by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The analysis takes into consideration the...

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FAO/GIEWS quarterly report ‘Crop Prospects and Food Situation’

The latest issue of the Crop Prospect and Food Situation quarterly report, which focuses on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and low-income food-deficit countries, has been released. The report also includes an overview of global cereal production prospects and a table highlighting countries that require external assistance for food, identifying the primary causes of the local food crises.

Highlights of the report:

  • Countries in need of external assistance: FAO estimates that 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Civil conflict continues to be a main driver of severe food insecurity, triggering famine in South Sudan and putting populations at high risk of localized famine in Yemen and northern Nigeria. Weather shocks have also impinged on food availability and access, and have in particular compounded the fragile situation in Somalia where famine conditions continue to be a threat.
  • Africa: Severe food insecurity persists in northern Nigeria and Somalia, while South Sudan remains in the grip of famine. Dry conditions lowered 2017 production prospects in parts of East Africa, while outputs in Southern Africa are forecast to rebound strongly.
  • Asia: Drought in Sri Lanka resulted in a sharp drop in the 2017 paddy output, while recent floods caused extensive damage. Conflicts continue to intensely impact agriculture and food security in Iraq and in the Syrian Arab Republic, while in Yemen localized famine remains a critical risk.
  • Latin America and the Caribbean: Record cereal outputs forecast in Argentina and Brazil in 2017, with production prospects generally favourable in Central American countries, although the possibility of an El Niño developing raises some concern.

The report can be accessed through the following link:

Formación, herramientas y bases de datos

Las Compras Públicas de la Agricultura Familiar y la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional En América Latina y el Caribe: Lecciones Aprendidas y experiencias

Las compras públicas de la AF son una de las principales innovaciones en las recientes estrategias de erradicación del hambre y de la pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Diversos países han desarrollado políticas de SAN incluyendo en sus estrategias las compras de productos de la AF. La...

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FAO/GIEWS monthly report on food price trends

The latest issue of the FPMA Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report on food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are at abnormal high levels in main markets.

Main highlights of this issue are the general decline of wheat and maize prices in the international market; while at sub-regional level, the further increase in cereal prices in East Africa and in the Southern Hemisphere countries the downward pressure on maize prices exerted by overall favourable production prospects in 2017

Key Messages

  • Wheat prices generally declined in April, on account of ample supplies and generally favourable outlook for the 2017 harvest. Export prices of maize remained under downward pressure, mainly reflecting expectations of bumper crops in Southern Hemisphere countries. By contrast, international rice prices increased, supported by a rebound in trade activity, especially due to accelerated sales to countries of the Near East.
  • In East Africa, cereal prices rose further in April and reached record or near‑record levels in most countries. Prices were underpinned by tight supplies, following drought-reduced 2016 second season outputs, and uncertain prospects for the upcoming 2017 harvests due to drier‑than‑average conditions and armyworm infestation affecting key‑growing areas.
  • In Southern Hemisphere countries, favourable maize production prospects kept domestic prices under downward pressure in April and below their year-earlier levels. In Brazil, where a bumper first season crop is being harvested, maize prices declined sharply in April and averaged some 40 percent lower than a year earlier. In South Africa, expectations of a near‑record output pushed down white maize prices for the fourth consecutive month to less than half their year-earlier levels.

The report can be accessed through the following link:






Sumémonos a las mujeres rurales para poner fin al hambre y a la pobreza

El Evento de Alto-nivel “Sumémonos a las mujeres rurales para poner fin al hambre y a la pobreza”, es programado para el 16 de diciembre en la sede central de la FAO en Roma, Italia.

El Evento está organizado por la FAO, la Presidencia Eslovaca del Consejo de la Unión Europea (UE) y la Comisión Europea, en estrecha colaboración con el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (IFAD), el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (WFP) y ONU Mujeres. El Evento proporcionará una plataforma interactiva para abordar las causas estructurales y las consecuencias de las desigualdades de género en las áreas rurales y, para identificar los principales desafíos, las brechas existentes, las oportunidades y las acciones colaborativas para liberar el potencial de las mujeres y las niñas rurales y terminar con el hambre y la pobreza.

La igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de mujeres y niñas es un objetivo central de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Las metas que componen el ODS5 “Lograr la igualdad entre los géneros y empoderar a todas las mujeres y las niñas”, se reflejan y se integran a lo largo de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

El Evento sera televisada via internet por la mañana y por la tarde.



Asociaciones entre múltiples partes interesadas para financiar y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el marco de la Agenda 2030 - Consulta electrónica del HLPE sobre el alcance del informe, propuesto por el Comité Directivo del HLPE

Durante su 43ª sesión plenaria celebrada del 17 al 21 de octubre de 2016, el CSA solicitó al Grupo de alto nivel de expertos en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (HLPE, por sus siglas en inglés) redactar un informe sobre “Asociaciones entre múltiples partes interesadas para financiar y mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el marco de la Agenda 2030” que se presentará en la 45ª sesión plenaria del CSA en octubre de 2018.

Como parte del proceso de redacción, el HLPE está organizando una consulta electrónica para recabar opiniones y comentarios sobre el alcance y elementos básicos del informe, descritos a continuación, según lo propuesto por el Comité Directivo del HLPE. Para participar, por favor visite la página web dedicada a la consulta del HLPE.