Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

The Zero Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines of the Committee on Global Food Security (CFS) on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition addressed from Overall, the challenges and issues encountered are women and girls in the agricultural context, however, it is important to draw attention to the situation of black women and girls who suffer from double discrimination:

- gender discrimination,

- discrimination linked to their ethnicity,

These women are often the majority to work in a context of small-scale agricultural production, car 1st means of subsistence, survival, sale of their product allows them to meet the needs of their children in terms of food and material.

Paradoxically to the fact that they are often entrepreneurs, these women are often exploited for multiple reasons because they do not have enough land to develop profitable agriculture: they just have to support their families.

It is important to provide devices to allow them to have easier access to land: the unique and ecological vision that they naturally bear on the subject will allow the creation of a fertile soil conducive to the development of sustainable agriculture. producer of healthier food for humanity.