Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Having read through the other comments and realized that there is significant contestation surrounding the extension of the food security concept to agency and sustainability, I would like to add one more comment. The report fortunately applies this extended concept of food security, originally suggested by the HLPE-CFS itself.

While conceptualizing food security through global models, based on comprehensive data-sets, the anchoring of these models in bottom-up participatory approaches is crucial, not only in regard the reliability of the data, but also in regard the framing of the problems and the inherent assumptions in the models (cf: Kaiser et al 2021; Saltelli et al 2020).


Kaiser, M., Goldson, S., Buklijas, T., Gluckman, P., Allen, K., Bardsley, A., Lam, M.E. (2021). «Towards Post-Pandemic Sustainable and Ethical Food Systems”. Food Ethics, 6:4;

Saltelli, A., Benini, L., Funtowicz, S., Giampietro, M., Kaiser, M., Reinert, E., & van der Sluijs, J. P. (2020). The technique is never neutral. How methodological choices condition the generation of narratives for sustainability. Environmental Science & Policy, 106, 87-98.