Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear Colleagues,

 This is a very good question, but I am afraid that you wouldn`t get many answers/comments from people in European countries, because of some specific restrictions/conditions in the European Union (EU), such as:

 Some restrictions in agriculture (low fertilizer, restrictive plant protection etc.)

  • High technological level of sustainable agrifood systems of many EU members
  • No cultivation (except Portugal and Spain) of GM-plants, because of some politcal and public opinions

 I think, that these and further specific conditions may be reasons for European scientists to be restrictive in information and recommendations outside.

 By the way, I am also not quite clear, what do you expect by scientists and other knowledge holders, if you asked such questions.

 We have to expext various conditions in various regions of the world concerning:

  • Climate (temperature, rain etc.)
  • Vegetation periods
  • Soil quality (fertility)
  • Plant varieties
  • Qualifications/scientific level of farmers and differences in farm management etc. etc.

 All these specific conditions and some more may be barriers for a more efficient and sustainable agrifood system in various regions.

Therefore, it seems to me to be difficult or impossible to give constructive comments/remarks to more efficient and sustainable agrifood systems from outside.

I consider my comments more as remarks to the  factiilators of this consultation in order to show the breadth of this field and therefore also to show the difficulties to solve the problems. There are so many questions and specific open points to contribute to the topics or solve any problems.

 Some years ago, we tried to contribute to solve similar problems, but we could not solve the problems (see attachment).

Best regards and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Gerhard Flachowsky

Animal Nutritionist, Braunschweig/Germany