Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Our current food system is in desperate need of a transformation, one that requires a multi-sector and multi-stakeholder approach and in which partnership is crucial. It faces many problems, including environmental (soil damaging), social (exclusion, poverty), health (labor) and economical (injustice, fair prices). In many countries, people still work far below average payment in harsh environments.

In addition, the world food system is faced with increasing demand and many disruptive forces, such as environmental constraints and deteriorating soil conditions.

Technology could serve a role in supporting this transformation towards more resilient food systems and enough food for all. Using technological innovation in support of food system transition could reduce producers work load and labour intensiveness, and improve their resilience to stressors. It could also bring local food systems closer to people, help close the gap between farm and fork, and bring the market to distant producers.

However, how to prevent exploitation from small-holder farmers with expensive technology, to make technology accessible for all, and to lower user-reluctance? What role could community supported technology hubs or community supported agriculture play in this and how to prevent technology becoming the goal instead of the means?

Strengthening national capacities towards enhancing the NDC ambitions would mean much to the development of these framework. For instance, supporting a well coordinated mechanism that is technology backed would mean elaborating a data driven system and inventory of farmer monitoring, reporting and verification (MVR) which in turn enhances efficiencies of countries' monitoring their NDCs progress.


The Development of emission inventories in the food value chain is considered a rock-bed for many countries to slow down their agriculture-based emissions through the reduction of GHG intensive agricultural practices.


Other technology adoptions and improvements may mean the introduction of creative financing instruments to deliver on programs and competitive projects.