Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Meseret Tsegaye Haile

Dear Program Development Teams,
Thank you very much for giving us a chance to give our inputs. We found both the Theory of change and Result framework are well drafted. Please find attached our few inputs on the theory of change and result framework. Hope it helps.  

1. Do the barriers identified reflect your experience as Community Based Organizations (CBOs) / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), private sector and local communities (women, men, youth, indigenous peoples)? Are there key barriers that are missing in TOC?

Yes indeed, they are barriers of Ethiopian food system too. But, a few barriers to add: -

  • Lack of access to agricultural and rural financial services
  • Weak land ownership infrastructure
  • Inadequate access to agricultural inputs & technologies
  • lack of adoption of agroecological practices

2. Do the first level Outcomes appropriate and adequate for transformation of food systems’ impacts on the environment?

Yes, they are appropriate.

Questions on the proposed Result Framework

3. Are the Outcomes planned appropriate and adequate for food systems transformation?

Yes, they are appropriate.

4. What could be examples of types of intervention and outputs that could ensure stronger engagement and ensure capacities of CBOs/ NGOs, the private sector, and communities (including women, men, and youth, indigenous peoples) to continue food systems transformation?

  • A few interventions to add: -
  • Crop, Horticulture & Livestock to improve diversified diet (Outcome-1.1)
  • Land use planning, land reform, massive tree planting initiatives (Outcome-1.2)
  • Establish a finance system for farmers to access credit get insurance services and offer farmers financial literacy (Outcome 2.2).
  • Introduce resource planning integrated landscape and watershed management (Outcome 3.2.)
  • Strengthened climate smart livestock value chains (Outcome 3.3.)

5. What might be specific contributions of each stakeholder group to the achievement of the components?

  • Local government to create conducive environment in the implementation of overall food system transformation.
  • Development partners support financially & technically in the formulation of frameworks, generation of evidences, design various projects/programs.
  • Private sectors involved in the generation and provision of different technologies and innovations vital for the production, transportation and processing of foods along the value chain.
  • CSOs in the promotion and advocacy the food system to the public and the community at large.
  • Academia/Research in the generation of technologies and practices
Meseret (Mr.)