Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Karthikeyan Muniappan

Nature-Positive Farming & Wholesome Foods Foundation

Dear Mr. Sameer Karki,

Greetings from Nature-Positive Farming & Wholesome Foods Foundation (N+3F), India.

We are glad to know about this new initiative. The theory of change and results framework are well written. Some of our inputs are shared below based on our experience:

Theory of Change

1-Do the barriers identified reflect your experience as Community Based Organizations (CBOs) / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), private sector and local communities (women, men, youth, indigenous peoples)? Are there key barriers that are missing in TOC?

The following barriers can be added:

1)     Inadequate investment on context-based need-based participatory research on transition to nature-positive farming and food systems

2)     Zero support for collective landscape level and territorial level interventions needed for the transition

3)     Lack of support to market development of nature-positive and safe foods

2-Do the first level Outcomes appropriate and adequate for transformation of food systems’ impacts on the environment?

The following outcomes can be added:

1)     Provincial level policies and governance frameworks in place that support FS transition

2)     Concrete need based public support to develop markets for nature-positive and safe products in place at the territorial/provincial level

Draft results framework

3-Are the Outcomes planned appropriate and adequate for food systems transformation?

As above

4-What could be examples of types of intervention and outputs that could ensure stronger engagement and ensure capacities of CBOs/ NGOs, the private sector, and communities (including women, men, and youth, indigenous peoples) to continue food systems transformation?

1)     Provincial level state supported collective action for conservation of agricultural and aquatic biodiversity by the local actors like that of the multistakeholder initiative run by Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission in Maharashtra, India.

2)     Revalorising prevalent nature-positive, resilient and pollution free food system practices/initiatives in each province and building on them.

3)     Provincial level program for developing markets for nature-positive and safe foods

4) Provincial level research initiatives to address the context-specific challenges to FS transition

Best wishes for the success of this important initiative.
M. Karthikeyan, CEO