Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dr. Pradip Dey

ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata

Dear FSN Members and others,

Good evening from India!

Kindly find below the comments w.r.t. point no. 10 about citizen engagement vis-a-vis capacity building:

Capacity building - at both individual and institutional level, greater involvement of private sector through Public Private Partnership and better awareness is important. Top-down anti-corruption practices and national level approaches to improving accountability mechanisms have often failed in fragile and conflict-affected situations. In contrast, identifying and supporting local accountability mechanisms, strengthening partnerships, and supporting collaborative governance and capacity building has been shown to be more effective in these contexts. The accountability triangle involving Citizen, Policymakers and Public Private Partnership provides a way to understand successes and failures along the service delivery chain by analyzing the relationships between policymakers/politicians, service providers and citizens. 

With warm regards