Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Firstly there is no proper difference explained between NGO and CSO, in the way of operations mostly in the developing nations. I many countries UN Agencies engage more with the government and not CSO's in the country of operation. 

To achieve this goal, I would propose that FAO should start, by engaging every active CSO in every nation and not the government alone. Since 2020, I have been one of the youth leaders in the international CSO Major Group for Children and Youth. We tried to apply a national engagement with FAO and other UN Agencies in our country, it failed. We where more active at the headquarters unlike in our countries of operation. These Major Groups can be useful in the area of voluntary engagements, because everything we do is voluntary, unlike when the governments chooses volunteers for a specific project work, who just volunteer during that period and when the project is done, they are no where to be seen again. 

Its high time we empower these major group members, to be actively engaged in these works, that was a major reason it was established in 1992; to increase engagement  to the United Nations works. For instance Major Group for Children and Youth, its open to everyone under 35 years, with different working groups. In short we have redefined the way of engagements, empowering people who can empower others in capacity building, advocacy and action.