Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

With respect to all, I think that more sustainable solution innovations and implementations are needed for sustainable use of plastics in agriculture. As a part of these, I think the following initiatives could be implemented more worldwide.

1. Plastic return in farmers' water and soil is ultimately harmful for farmers. So introducing alternatives for minimizing plastic using as much as possible in all steps of the agricultural sector like supply chain to food presentation. For example,  

the Plastic straw banning initiative in New York. I think jute straw could be processed such that it could be used as drinking straw instead of plastic straw. Eating cups, plates etc could be made more popular.

In this context, I would like to mention that Bangladesh’s resolution titled “Natural Plant Fibers and Sustainable Development” has been adopted by consensus in the plenary of the second committee of the 74th session of the UNGA.

This will pave the way for a stronger, effective, efficient global value chain for Jute, Abaca, Coir, Kenaf, Sisal, Hemp, Ramie etc and alter the harmful uses of plastic. Jute is considering important tools for a plastic pollution free world. More specialized environment friendly bags could be introduced for agricultural products.

2. Personal wheeled shopping trolleys with jute bags could be used for shopping. In some cases, wheeled Earthenware could be used for Formalin and other chemical free food reserving/presentation in streets or shops. It needs no electricity.

It's a matter of pleasure that Scientists are continuing research on Plastic eater bacteria. Scientists have discovered an environmentally friendly way to turn plastic waste into energy and

In a series of lab experiments, researchers in Singapore successfully converted plastic into formic acid — a chemical that can be used to generate electricity in power plants and electric cars." (Ref:

Diesel is now produced from multiple sources like diesel trees, coals, used vegetable oil, and even from plastic.

3. I think using plastic detection sensors for refusing plastic bottles in Beverage ATMs for soft drinks will be better for reducing plastic pollution by the beverage industries. Flammable plastic should not be kept in any Data Center or Data Recovery Site especially for the Agricultural sector.

4. Introducing some percent of money returned for returning Sold One Time Plastic to the shops and separate plastic garbage containers. Promoting more plastic recycling industries including Plastic and Electronics waste management for safely gold and other objects extraction around the globe with proper financial support.

5. Introducing more virtual sim, unique mobile charger and batter size,One smart card for all purposes with innovative information security like YLITIS (Worldwide Integrated Linguistic Information Technology for Information Security), Renewable energy powered smart Billboard is another sustainable opportunity against plastic used advertisements, globally use of plastics and glass fibre as additives for Road Surface Technology (RST) etc ultimately saves agricultural soil and water.

6. If needed, Plastic detection sensors and mobile apps could be used for removing plastics from all sorts of water like ponds, canals, rivers, oceans.

From various news media we have come to know that plastic pollution has been discovered in the Mariana trench, the deepest point of the ocean of the world. Plastic pollution in our oceans poses a real threat to whales and dolphins.

56% of all whale and dolphin species, from small fish-eating dolphins to the largest filter feeding whales, have been recorded eating marine plastics they've mistaken for food. Same scenario is happening to other fishes as well.

Plastic in the ocean is not only a threat to the environment but also the Blue economy that is ultimately SDGs. In this context, I would like to appreciate the initiative of observing Mariana Trench Day. On the other hand, like Mariana Trench of Pacific ocean, there is ‘Swatch of No Ground’ which is a seaward continuation for almost 2,000 km down the BAY OF BENGAL in the form of fan valleys with LEVEES [BANGLAPEDIA]. Swatch of no Ground is feeding the Bengal Fan by turbidity currents. Most of the sediment of the Bengal Deep Sea Fan has been derived from the confluence of GANGES and BRAHMAPUTRA rivers.

Bengal deep sea Fan and within its Swatch of No Ground of Bay of Bengal has more dimensions. Tears of people of Ganges and Brahmaputra river basin also involved to this issue because of

These river erosion makes thousands of people every year homeless, and ultimately they become well

established to internally displaced persons. Scientific research has shown that the Bay of Bengal dolphin has special significance. It’s a matter of pleasure that on the 24th of October, Bangladesh has celebrated the International Freshwater Dolphin Day 2018 for the first time,

gradually improving in garbage management system, promoting environment friendly jute bags instead of plastic, greening coastal region, planning for environment friendly land reclamation, top soil reservation, various acts for fish and water etc.

In addition, I think like Mariana Trench Day, Bengal deep sea Fan and Swatch of No Ground Day could be observed by its neighboring countries to all because of its significance.

Observing the day could promote awareness, environment friendly tourism, research, patronizing, and ultimately a blue economy.

7. More widely observing International Plastic bag free day, 23 October - International Mole Day ( etc for a plastic pollution free world.

8. Finally we all without discrimination have to be more united against plastic pollution in all sectors especially in the agricultural sector. Because it's a matter of the better existence of all living beings.