Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Billions of dollars is being spent on agricultural projects by national governments and their international partners such as the FAO. However, these investments beyond the beautiful well written project reports, do not translate to transformative change on the ground or in the agricultural sector. So problems being solved do not go away despite half a century of intervention. The SPI presents a unique opportunity for meaningful change on the ground, allowing policy makers to use evidenced based information to design policies. The entrepreneurial capacity building of stakeholders in the food value chain is important. Food production, distribution and consumption should be seen as a business capable of creating wealth and opportunities. However, for this to happen, farmers, distributors, marketers/traders and consumers alike should appreciate the need to be very ENTREPRENEURIAL in approaching the food value chain. Human capacity building to achieve an entrepreneurial mindset will unlock the huge potentials of the food sector in LDCS especially in Africa. Hence, policy makers and scientists should prioritize ENTREPRENEURIAL developments in the food sector.