Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Omar Allahham

Jordan Ministry of Agriculture

Dear colleagues,

According to the study of "Role of sustainable fisheries & aquaculture for food security and nutrition" I think it's important to study the following :

  • Test of water and its content as Chemicals wastes and heavy metals
  • Test of Food produced , Microbial Tests and Chemical tests to have an clear idea about food Quality ( post - Harvest Physiology and pollution of the food produced )
  • Test results will be used to arrange policies about the food use and food consumbtion .

In fact , food loss starts from the production area , and continue of losses from the production area to the consumption , it's important to study the post - harvest losses as quantity and quality .


Eng. Omar B. Allahham

Head of Policies Division

Studies & Policies Department

Ministry Of Agriculture
