Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Gianluca Ragusa

International independent consultant

Dear Madam/Sir,

thank you for your kind focus of the role of fisheries and aquaculture in contributing in food security. Fishery (namely traditional and small scale fishery including collection) and aquaculture contribution to food security is in my knowledge underextimated (contributing as in the case of the Mali to the livelihood and benefits sharing of rural populations and before the recent problems to the third voice of the internal production, with no enogh resources (human, capacity and financial) to contribute to the sustainable and equitably managent the sector or eg in The Gambia were the actual level of governance (DoF and civil sosciety) risks to not have the needed capacity to accomplish the on-going and planned fishery development strategies.     

Let me stress some key factors

Governance : co-management and decentralisation or deconcentration are procedures that are still unfortunately on the paper (lack of human resources, trained and fincial instruments). This procedure could be better overcome at country level compresied in a procedure of regionalisation and transfer of knowledge/solidarity among the concerned countries.

Gender : the role of the women is still underestimated and the new valid associations (eg. Try Oyster. women collectors in The Gambia) can risk to survive in the long term to the on-going programmes/projects, if not further supported bytheend of the programmes/projects. Please, kindly find attached a FAO report with some interesting figures on the role of the women in fisheries.

Hope it will be useful.

Looking forward to hear from you, let me thank you, Madam/Sir, for the efforts that your Organization do to enhance the International cooperation, sustainable development and to eradicate poverty and hunger.


Gianluca RAGUSA - International consultant (Fishery and aquaculture)

Via Tuscia, 7 - 00191 Rome (Italy)

Ph: (+39) 063291240

Mb: (+39) 3393096798

Dans l'attente, veuillez agréer, Madame/Monsieur, l’expression de mes remerciements les plus vives pour les efforts de vôtre Organisation dans les domaines de la coopération International, du développement durable, de l’éradication de la pauvreté et de la faim dans le monde.

Salutations sincères.


Gianluca RAGUSA – Consultant international (Pêche et  aquaculture).

Via Tuscia, 7

00191 Rome (Italie)

Tel.: (+39) 063291240

Mobile: (+39) 3393096798