Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Ghazanfar Azadi

Iran fisheries organization
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Dear HLPE Secretariat,

e-HLPE Consultation,

Role of Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition About

Due to reducing marine resources and decline some of the marine species in the world, the aquaculture will be more important than fishery and would make the main role in food security. In capture fishery should place emphasis on enhancing quality instead of increasing fishing effort. Because some of the aquatics catches in developing countries by traditional methods are not of good quality and endanger the health of consumers. Then the quality in marine fishery is more important the quantity. In order to gain this matter we need more training and quality control.

Another important consideration in marine fisheries is of marine pollution which has bad effected on catch quality and endangers public health. Nowadays the governments for various reasons, including political and social reasons, have not this issue under consideration. In this way sometimes the fish with low quality and unhealthy distributed in the markets and cause a variety of diseases in the community. For this reason it is necessary to emphasize the issue of preventing marine pollution, particularly oil pollution and some Issues such as the protection of marine resources, the creation of artificial reefs, protecting nursery grounds, and prevent IUU fishing should be emphasized in order to increasing marine supply and improving the quality of fish caught.

With best regards,

Ghazanfar Azadi