Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Stella Joy

Active Remedy Ltd
United Kingdom


Thank you for giving us a chance to give give feed-back and input into this report.

Although it is clearly defined, we at Active Remedy believe that far greater emphasis needs to be given to the fresh water element of the FSN section of this report, as this underpins all long-term outcomes and success. A great many FAO Reports have identified and recommended this approach throughout the last 20 or more years.

“The concept of “water for FSN” designates water’s direct and indirect contributions to food security and nutrition in its four dimensions. It covers safe drinking water and sanitation, water used to produce, transform, and prepare food, as well as the contribution of water uses in all sectors to livelihoods and income and as such to food accessibility.

“Ensure sustainable management and conservation of ecosystems for the continued availability, quality and stability of water for FSN”

Water is a renewable resource. Although the amount of precipitation falling on the land surface is highly variable in space in time, rainfall can be relied on to replenish reservoirs, the soil profile and aquifers. So water is unlike other natural resources that can be fully depleted (e.g. oil and gas).” (FAO, Coping with water scarcity, 2008)

“Ensure continued availability, quality and stability of water for FSN through the conservation and sustainable management of landscapes and ecosystems, across biomes, including by using the ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity.”

If this crucial area is given greater priority and focus is given to securing and restoring the ecosystems, which maintain the global water cycle, then finances will be naturally created.

“Forests perform vital ecosystem services, including the regulation of the water and carbon cycles and protection of biodiversity, that are essential to sustainable food production and FSN in the long term.”

“Given their important role in water supply and regulation, the protection, sustainable management and restoration of mountain ecosystems will be essential.” (UNESCO, 2013,Climate Change impacts on Mountain Regions of the World.)

Otherwise even more finances and effort will be lost in continuously trying to deal with the on going damage and loss brought about by water scarcity issues and related disasters.

“FAO’s primary goals in implementing ecosystem-based approaches to land and water management are to equip society and governments with tools to asses, value, enhance and maintain the benefits of ecosystem services; to empower those in charge and users of ecosystems to better maintain and restore ecosystem services; and to strengthen governance for ecosystem approaches support through dialogue and policy actions, including the recognition of the rights of local communities and their knowledge systems.” ” (FAO Submission to the UNFCCC in the areas of ecosystems under the Nairobi work programme, 2016)

“Forests perform vital ecosystem services, including the regulation of the water and carbon cycles and protection of biodiversity, that are essential to sustainable food production and FSN in the long term.”

Active Remedy Ltd has created a ground plan for fast effective reforestation efforts throughout the world’s mountain regions. This considers FSN for local communities, improving ecosystem conditions and the reduction of poverty for about 25% of the worlds population. Also it is an inexpensive and effective cost saving method in real terms.

Thank you for your attention and consideration