Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Seed to Feed Team



We are a group of FAO interns participating in the challenge Thought for Food ( The purpose of this challenge is to inspire and mobilize  young professionals around innovative ideas to ensure that everyone in the world has access to adequate, safe, and nutritious food in the future.  

Our group has focused the issues of food losses and waste as a means of addressing the problem of food production and consumption, from Seed to Feed ( We believe that informed choices can contribute to improve the food supply chain by assisting consumers in purchasing only what will be used. For this reason, we are designing a mobile application, SmartBasket, that concretely connects consumers to information on sanitary food practices (independent of expiration dates), food travel distance as it impacts spoilage time and other crucial information to making sure all food purchased is consumed rather than wasted.

We have been reading with great enthusiasm the many contributions made to the HLPE Open E-Consultation on Food Losses and Waste in the Context of Sustainable Food Systems. We understand that this consultation is part of a larger elaboration process that will contribute to the publication of a CFS report that will be presented to the Plenary in 2014.

We hold the current work of the CFS and the HLPE in high regard, we believe that these upcoming events are great opportunities to be seized. We would like to know if there is an expert in your group that would be willing to meet with us and help us gain insight from your experience, as it pertains to technical aspects of food spoilage as a driver of consumer waste.

Sincere regards,

Seed to Feed Team

Joana Borrero

BeeGeok Cham

Céline Dumas

Chamim Foroughi

Amanda Hickey