Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Ravindra Botve


          Water Problems in Rural India and Our Possible Intervention in 2014-15

                                                                       By: - Ravindra Botve & Mendu Srinivasulu

Water is a fundamental to human food security and nutrition. Water of sufficient quantity and quality is an essential input to all types of agricultural production, as well as the preparation and processing of food.

In this document we try to focus what problem rural India face when we meet farmers across country at the same time we also learn possible solution. We hope our little learning will useful to in V0 draft and meet FSN challenges.

In 2014-15 Social Advancement Venture Foundation and Rural Youth Agriculture Research Foundation committed to launch following possible intervention to meet FSN.

1.      Problem: -  Lack of Farm planning as per farm resource and microclimate

As per our observation 90 % of farmer not plan his crop as per farm resources likes water, livestock, capital, soil, man power and climate which affect crop yield and economic condition some time overutilization of farm resources affect ecosystem (ex. Monocropping, soil salaination,and pest and diseases outbreak )

A)    Possible intervention: - Individual Farmer profiling to meet FSN by SAVe Foundation

Case study: - Mr. Prallad Sontakee in viral village of Maharatsra has 5 acre (2 ha ) land , one  1 cow and 12 feet well  . Last 5 year he grows only cotton because his neighbour farmers grow cotton but he unable to make profit. In April 2014 we meet him plan his land as per availability of water and market situation so we plan half acre vegetable (coriander ) as per water situation in well and market demand 2 acre cotton  and 2.5 acre soybeans when sufficient rainfall occur after 2month (June ) as per our discussion with IMD expert team (Indian Metrological Department ) Pune they predict less rainfall  so we suggest farmer to shift on soyabean (low water requirement crop as compare to cotton )  so he  plan to cultivate 4 acre  Soyabean crop and 05 acre hybrid jawar for his cow.

After 1.5  month he get income 25,000 income from fresh coriander which he was sell in local market at Rs 5 per 50 gm because in month of May fresh  coriander leaves has good market and price from this money he buy good quality  seed and fertilizer for  soybeans  . He gave supplement irrigation to soybeans which was available in his well. Last month (November 2014 ) he harvest 20 qt soybeans which market cost Rs 60,000 and also got sufficient fodder for his cow from 0.5  . If he plan cotton in 5 acre this year his whole crop fail to due to lack irrigation and his cow unable to get fodder.

We think if individual farmer plan his crop as per farm resources available in his farm it will  help making more profitable and fulfil Food security demand . Need to farm planning at individual level not village level.

Provide agriculture advisory at Right time from Right person to Right Place

2.      Problem :- loss of water due to deep tillage

Every year farm carried out  deep tillage operation to make soil lose and break hard pan with help of tractor or bullock pair which increase gravitational water ( after rainfall water goes to deep layer so plant root unable to extract or absorb  it ) which rise cost of production as well as  water use

Possible Intervention

We think only training will not change this custom for that need  Field demonstration  In May-2015 through SAVe foundation we will sensitise farmer on shallow tillage operation with field demonstration.

3.      Problem :- Water requirement at critical growth stages

Farmer provide irrigation to crop as per soil condition if it dry then they will start to give irrigation which loss water and increase soil salinatiztion

Most of farmer unaware about critical growth stage of crop if farmer give water at this stage 50 % more the chances to increase yield if miss more than 50 % reduction

Possible intervention: - Need to Find out critical and most critical growth stage of crop so farmer can store or plan to irrigate crop .

Through the Rural Youth Agriculture Research Foundation in  2015 we conduct research trail on critical and most critical growth stages of soybean , pigeon pea and Gram crop through that learning SAVe foundation organise  village level work shop on  water for grain to sensitize farmer on critical and most critical growth stage of crop

4.      Problem :- 50 % loss of water due to evaporation

We observe and study evaporation cause 50 % water loss from field. Farmer are aware about that but they can’t afford plastic mulch due to low level income.

Most of sugarcane grower farmer burn sugarcane trash to destroy pest and good root emergence which cause environment pollution 

Possible intervention:-

Rural youth Agriculture Research foundation establish demonstration  how  soybean , Gram , pigeon pea , paddy , sugarcane and  wheat crop straw act as   as a mulch , manure as well as reduce evapotranspiration . through SAVe foundation we will scale  this model

5.      Problem :- Monoculture of high water requirement crop in rainfed or dryland area

Marathwada come under rain fed zone but more than 40 % farmer which having more water supply from bore / well / pipeline from lake  grow high water requirement  crop like sugarcane , banana and flower due high income and less care management which  decrease water table some time rural people face drinking water problems.

Possible intervention:-

Need to sensitize farmer on cost benefit ratio of high water demanding crop compare to pulses and other Millets with its effect on ecology after that they will move to  region and climate specific crop otherwise one day these people not get drinking water . For that need to establish community managed water responsible group to avoid extraction water from lake for high water requirement crop.

6.      Problem :- why farmer avoid drip irrigation

Farmer know drip irrigation save water and increase yield but till that date  they avoid use of drip irrigation when we meet farmer we receive following information

1.      Cost of drip irrigation goes beyond the Rs. 50,000 per acre for that marginal farmer can’t afford

2.      Government provide subsidies for drip irrigation but in block level no dealer ship available to purchase drip irrigation set

3.      Farmer  unable to know its technical details how to install drip irrigation

4.      Salt accumulation and rodent cut pipe is major constrain 

Possible intervention:

Private sector drip irrigation company need to establish dealership at block or local level so farmer can purchase its drip irrigation set with assign one consultant to install drip irrigation set as well slove problem face by people

Government should encourage drip irrigation farmer by giving nominal incentive to his produce in the name of water star like energy star in electrical items or If possible not give 3 phase electrical connection those farmer who not use drip  

Try to increase subsides 60 % with quick loan sanction with least document process

7.      Problems :- why urban waste water not utilised in agriculture

Everyone know single house in urban area use minimum 25 lit of water think about multi-storey building  why this water not use for fruit or other crop production because all water (wash  and swedge water is mixed ) which is very hard to treatment or recycle

Possible intervention: -  Green Building

if builder plan separate pipe wise outlet of wash and sweade water then people can use wash water to raise fruit and agriculture purpose . it is fact even swedge contain more nutrient to increase crop yield but no one wish to raise crop from this water . if we make wash outlet people defiantly use this water for greenery purpose .

Use this water for fruit, ornamental, and flower crop

 8.       Problem :- Industrial waste water pollution

Lot of sugar and textile industry in maratwada region discharge water to river  or lake which create river /lake water unsafe  for drinking purpose , kill fish and affect agriculture production . Even raising this issue government not take action due to their nexus with industry leader    

Possible solution: - Media and Community

Role of Media in that case is very active it can raise this issue so Government can take some action

          SAVe foundation will planning to establish Green Warrior Youth in such affected         village to legally fight such matter to save environment

9.      Problem :- waste of good Processing water

Most of industries use water only for clean purpose like wash vegetable , some electronic part , bottle and other thing without any modification of water ( heating , mixing chemical or other process )

Possible intervention: - if these industry set up silvi-horticulture plant around industry then this water become useful for production of fruit crop as well increase owner income for that we plan to meet Industry leader with such Plan.

10.   Water bucket challenge -2014-15

SAVe foundation participate Seva-mela in Hyderabad in that mela we organise  water bucket challenge for that we announce

Chose a village which is challenged by the availability of Safe water access and work in collaboration with public – private institutions to ensure that the selected village gets access to 100% clean and safe drinking water within one year!

 Are you ready for this Challenge?

Please do provide your details in the register.

We will work together for this Social Infrastructure Revival Initiative…

                            Social Advancement Venture Foundation

Vision: - To be a dynamic Social Development organization that continuously works in collaboration with public, private institutions for necessary social advancements. 

Mission: - Reaching the unreached to promote a happy living society with dignity and equality

Our approach: - Social Advancement Ventures Foundation (SAVe Foundation) will work on some of the most pressing problems of the society in sustainable way to bring happiness to each family and the society.

                    SAVe Foundation is committed to bring the desired positive changes in the society by offering various products, services, technologies either produced and or delivered by SAVe Foundation or offered through Joint Ventures, Collaborations or by distributing the products/services/technologies to the needy people/institutions.  SAVe Foundation is intended and committed to engage in those products, services and technologies that have high potential to advance the society to next level by bringing value addition, improving their living standards and bringing happiness to the individuals, families and society as a whole.

                          Rural Youth Agriculture Research Foundation

•         Vision :- Discover what help the rural people to brings prosperity in life

•         Mission :- Design and evaluate program in Real context with real people and provide hands on assistance to brings successful program in scale

•         Our Model: - Innovate --- evaluate & design potential solution – evidence – mobilise and support decision maker.

•         Establishment :- 15 October 2014

       We are committed to do research which suit in farmer field

Mr.Ravindra Botve:-Founder of Rural Youth Agriculture Research Foundation, Certified Crop Advisor. Work as Agriculture advisor in GIZ, Cohesion foundation, Yuva Mitra , Jeeven Tirtha and SAVe foundation  .

Mr. Mendu Srinivasulu:- Founder of Social Advancement Venture Foundation and Assistant Vice President at BASIX