Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Paul Sommers

California State University
United States of America

Dear Committee,

I have done a very quick read-through of the document. 

The first question is, who is the main audience for the document? I could not find it described. 

While it is clearly one of the most comprehensive documents  in terms of describing issues and research needs going forward, a thorough assessment of why each one of these issues has not been addressed successfully to date beyond a well-financed pilot here and there  is missing. I have been involved with agriculture-nutrition linkages since 1976 and have come face to face with most of these issues running field programmes and I ask myself why are we still discussing basically the same issues some 40 years later?  Lessons learned on why things don't work would enrich the final product.

Paul Sommers

Institute for Food and Agriculture

California State University, Fresno