Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Gerhard Flachowsky

Federal Research Institute of Animal Health

Dear Colleagues,

Many thanks for your invitation to contribute in your eConsultation about the HLPE Report on „Food Security and Nutrition“. You asked for feedbacks/comments to three important topics, such as

  • The objectives and the content of the analysis:

I have some problems to understand and to follow any objective of the report. It should be clearly said to decision makers and all interested readers in some words/sentences, what is the objective of the report and what should be done to improve the global „Food Security“ until 2030.

  • Experiences of situations

During the last few years, I made some comments/remarks to various CFS and HLPE papers.

  • Some recent references, which may be helpful for HLPE/CFS reports

In the last time, we have done some studies around the resource efficiency (e.g. land, water) and the emissions (e.g. Carbon Footprints) to produce food of animal origin. In all our studies, edible protein of animal origin was the base for our calculations. We consider the protein of animal origin (including amino amini acids, minerals and vitamins) as essential for human being (mainly for pregnant women and kids). On the other side, it is the most scientific/objective parameter to compare the yield of animals or per animals or per ha land.

To all this topics I will add some recent papers from our group for your information.

The results show strong influences of animal species/categories and animal yields on all footprints.

Another point is the feed/food competition between men and animals. We consider the human edible fraction in feed as an important parameter to characterize typical animal feed. On this base, we can also calculate the feed/food yield per ha arable land. Such criterions should also be more considered in calculations.

Best regards

Gerhard Flachowsky


Prof. Dr. G. Flachowsky

Institute of Animal Nutrition

Federal Research Institute of Animal Health

Bundesallee 37

38116 Braunschweig
