Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear participants

This week we will continue our discussion on the role of social protection instruments in forestry. We will also start considering the potential synergies that can be created between social protection instruments and forestry policies.

You may wish to consider discussing the third and fourth questions:

3. Which countries have social protection instruments and programmes that:

- target forest-dependent people?

- are implemented with the aim of promoting sustainable forestry among the poor?

- are integrated with sustainable forest management programmes?

4. What key factors influence the creation of synergies or conflicts between social protection and sustainable forestry? What complementarities can be utilized to optimize the effects of social protection on forestry management?

If you could you provide examples any social protection instruments around the world that are being used to promote sustainable forestry or are aimed at alleviating poverty amongst forest dependent people.

Tips: Give information on social protection program objectives, design, target group and effectiveness regarding resilience. Also provide information on how or where social protection instruments are being combined with forestry policies.