Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear participants

This week we will discuss how social protection instruments and forestry policies can be coordinated. We will also focus on the current global climate change agenda especially the opportunities it presents for harmonizing social protection policies and forestry policies.

You may wish to consider discussing the two parts of the fifth question:

5 a) What aspects of the global climate-change agenda present opportunities for harmonizing social protection and sustainable forestry policies?

Tips: Examples of aspects include climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, reduction of greenhouse emissions, climate change funds, climate-smart agriculture. You can cite protocols, agreements and country-specific climate change adaptation programmes, policies and interventions.

5b) What are the key mechanisms for fostering coordination of and coherence between social protection and forestry policies?

Tips: Consider institutional, co-ordination, governance and political, design and implementation, key actors, and financial aspects. Give examples from country experience