Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear All,

Bees are important to our planet..!!

The contribution of bee keeping to food and nutritional security is significant owing to the role of bees in cross polination in important food crops in addition to other direct services provided to the human being. Emiprical research studies in India suggest that cross polination by bees help in enhancing the yield of staples by 20-40 percent (

Despite their critical roles to welfare of human beings, our technological advancement and modern life style adversely affectiving the population and diversity of bess. Furthermore, the farmers are also withdrawing from bee keeping due to various reasons though markeing remains the major one. The farmers need to be trained for proper processing, value addition and  marketing through partnership or convergence with civil society and private companies.

With the emergence of Climate Smart Agriculture concept across globe, the scope and importance of practice of bee keeping is more. There is growing opportunities to integrate bee keeping in the Integrated Farming Models or agroforestry practices which are more sustainable. 

