Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Nader Noureldeen Mohamed

Cairo University

I read the zero draft of food security,, I think:-

1- The draft discuss the food production more than food security and the right of foods because food security in related to how much money I have to buy the food not the lack or plenty of food.

2- food security and right to food doesn't mean food for free but food for works, thus food security related to how much money I can earn to buy the food for me and for my family

3- The hunger index or the poverty index related to the daily money income of 1.9$ not to food accessibility of lack of food, thus there is several suffered from (hidden Hunger) which means there is plenty of food every where in market and shelves of supermarket but in high expense more than I have or more that the money I have to buy the food.

4- We always produce safe food not healthy food, because healthy food depend on how much I can eat from this safe food to be sick, suffering from obesity or to be healthy. muck eat of safe protein or fat or other food means sickness,, thus we produce safe food not healthy food..

50 Big differences between food production and food security, The last may calls for nations, community, but food production for fields and agricultural activity.


Professor Nader Noureldeen Mohamed

Professor of Soil and Water Sciences

Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt