Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Madhura Swaminathan

Indian Statistical Institute

Dear Sir/Madam

Overall, I like the report structure, with its focus on six dimensions of food security and a review of discussion on each dimension.

I have three specific points/concerns to raise.

First, section 3.4 on small holders

While small holders dominate in terms of area in many developing countries (including India with which I am familiar), it is not necessarily the case that small holders are (a) producing more for the local market (b) are more diverse in crop mix and (c) have higher yields in relation to large farms.

This is brought out with evidence from multiple primary surveys in Madhura Swaminathan and Sandipan Baksi (eds), How do Small Farmers Fare? Tulika books, New Delhi, 2017 (and available through Columbia University Press).

Secondly, section 3.14 on persistent inequalities.

This is a very important point and must also refer to inequalities within the rural/agricultural economy (not just rural-urban, etc), as there are large gaps in terms of yield, income, access to resources within farming populations (see Swaminathan and Baksi again).

Thirdly, in section 4.5 on agency-focused initiatives.

HLPE (2018) contributed to this issue by examining multistakeholder partnerships and conditions under which they contributed to food and nutrition security.

Specifically, I would like to mention the partnerships such as Kudumbashree in Kerala, India, where the poorest women participated in collective action for raising agricultural production adn consumption.

Reference to HLPE (2018) would be appropriate.

On page 37, in reference to the National Food Security Act in India, the reference to the right to food campaign is incomplete as this is usually understood as a reference to NGOs which ran a website on the right to food. It is important to mention the multiple partners that drove the formulation of the Act: academics, NGOs, the Supreme court, unions and activists, and political parties.

Suggest drop the right to food campaign phrase or elaborate on it.

best wishes

Madhura Swaminathan

Indian Statistical Institute
