Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

D. Bakhita Mahgoub Elshafie

Rural Development and Poverty Reduction Department

Dear colleagues,

I read the excellent and fruitful report of Food security and nutrition.

I have 2 suggestions:

  • In terms of accessibility it is essential not to neglect the role of cash crops production as income generating activities (cotton, Gum Arabic …..Exec)
  • There are some inedible species (biogas crops) for fuel production instead of using food or feed crops. More researches, investigation and sound policies are needed for production and oil extraction of these wild crops (eg. Jatrova sp. In Sudan and may be other sp. In other countries) .

D. Bakhita Mahgoub Elshafie

Director of Food security, Rural development

and Poverty reduction Department