Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

We are not marketing the power of brain but the hunger 

Dear Scientists

I just wanted to focus your attention to the following points that I wanted to highlight at this moment.

Today we are marketing, not the brainpower of the humans but the hunger the feeling of the belly or the gut. Please develop technologies to have foods at affordable prices for needy people and provide education to them to use their brainpower to be used for the coming fourth industrial revolution.

A few years back I just search the nutrient values of most of the grasses which we feed for cattle and the nutritive value of those grasses is very much higher than we thank. But unfortunately, we are unable to develop at least an energy drink for needy people to maintain their basic health status. Their hunger and diseases are marketed globally. This is very pathetic and a shame for the entire humanity.