Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Maria Moate

Tshinangwe Trading and Projects
South Africa

The youth should also be differentiated according to their location whether urban or rural. In rural areal even though knowledge may be available, network challenges is discouraging access to this. At times converting available knowledge into an opportunity is limited and hence the continuation of lack of interest.

Patriarchal system are still dominant and prohibits women to develop an interest in agriculture which is still regarded as a men’s job. inheritance of property including land is still shared along gender lines with women still fighting recognition.

Those that were picked up for support by government initiatives do not have mentors to sustain them in the agricultural sector of their choice.  Survival is defined also along Networks one has. youth at this stage have limited access to available networks and cannot manoeuvre their way to sustainability. Land claims promoted in South Africa we initiated by adults who then have formed CPAs that only see youth a beneficiaries and not participating equal partners. they are then coopted to be frustrated by their adult parents within the land claims. This further promotes agri as an adult affair. Government considers the ration of their inclusion but not their meaningful participation or checking the programs in which youth are engaged. Therefore their inclusion is not an answer without analysing the nature of programmes.

Some have qualified in agriculture but awaits to be employed rather than creating employment for themselves and this further limits their access to opportunities.

Urban areas are still burgeoning for the young adults who faces scorn if involved  in agricultural activities those. This is because those working are considered as cheap labourers without a decent future. they do not own means of production nor benefit much from the proceeds of agricultural practice. This further dampen the interest. Lucrative job opportunities promoted for youth are those in urban areas.

Education at lower levels does not include agricultural knowledge and by the time the young adult develops an interest, only then is the young person discriminated along irrelevant mix of subjects that do not qualify them into field to pursue agriculture.

Resources such as water is scarce and investment into this is at at a great cost. The agricultural risk as well as lack of access to markets reduces their involvement.