Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

1. Are all relevant issues and areas related to fostering responsible agricultural investments adequately addressed in the Zero Draft? If not, what should be changed?

Farmers living on a small plot of land need better information and access to supplies.

For example,

Does an agriculture investment organization supply information on the right type of fertilizer, pesticide, herbacide, and seeds to use for a particular type of crop?

Does an agriculture investment organization insure that the appropriate supplies needed by a small farmer are available including tools, nursery stock, veterinary supplies, fencing, irrigation equipment, packaging, transport, marketing information, crop insurance, fertilizer, pesticides, herbacides, etc. 

Without all the proper supplies and better information, small farmers will not be able to increase their cash crops and small animal production; Often they will not be able to pay back their investment if there is unusual weather.   An agriculture investment organization needs to insure that all the supplies and information are available so that their investments are appropriate.  This is currently not being accomplished.