Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Please find attached and below my comments.



1.      Do you have any general comments on the draft political declaration and its vision (paragraphs 1-3 of the zero draft)?  

The role of care is not mentioned and the economic and social inequalities and constrains that limit or affect it.

2.      Do you have any comments on the background and analysis provided in the political declaration (paragraphs 4-20 of the zero draft)?   

There is not mention of the gender gap that is a crucial aspect to be addressed if we want to build more equitable food systems, but also if we want to ensure that finally it is translated in better nutritional outcomes. And absence of mention of the role of care and the lack of recognition of care is expressive of the gender gap.

3.      Do you have any comments on the commitments proposed in the political declaration? In this connection, do you have any suggestions to contribute to a more technical elaboration to guide action and implementation on these commitments (paragraphs 21-23 of the zero draft)?

Considering comments provided in sections 1 and 2, the political declaration wouldn’t be complete, without specific mention on how to properly address the gender gap and improve recognition of care role in nutrition.