Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

European Union

Principle 1

  • Para iv): As resilience is covered under Principle 4, the people  centre approach should be reflected under this principle.
  • Para vi): Governance is addressed under Principle 7, repetition should be avoided and each principle should focus on a main issue to be dealt with.
  • Para vii): This paragraph is related to the GSF as a reference document in dealing with food and nutrition insecurity in general and does not provided a concrete action to be taken in a protracted crisis context. As this reference to the GSF under Principle 1 is already covered in Appendix C, this paragraph should be removed in order to shorten and shape the text.

Principle 2

  • Para iv): this para should be deleted a it is already covered by paragraph i) and principle 8.
  • Para v): this para is merely descriptive and it is already and should be covered under the Background and rationale section for these principles to provide with more concrete actions and "to do" list.

Principle 3

  • Para i): This paragraph should be deleted as it is already covered by Principle 8.
  • Para ii), iii) and iv) should be merged and shortened.
  • Para v): The second sentence starting by "However….." should be deleted.

Principle 4

  • Para iv): The first part of this paragraph, "Governments should ensure…….. failures of development policies and actors"  is already covered by Principle 2 and therefore should be deleted.

Principle 6

  • Para v) is already covered under Principle 2 and should be deleted.

Principle 7

  • This principle should be redrafted in order to go more in deep in addressing weak governance and weak institutions and by providing more concrete actions to be taken to deal with these situations.
  • In this perspective, we would like to see the “New Deal for engagement in fragile states” mentioned in the principle 7, under the point iii.

Principle 8

  • Para iv), v), vi) and vii) should be redrafted in a more positive way and to clearly provide with actions to be taken avoiding repetition with other principles.

Principle 9

  • Para iv) and v) should be merged and shortened.

Principle 10

  • Para ii): The last sentence starting by "Special efforts should be made….." should be deleted as addressing exploitation and abuse, including sexual, goes beyond the CFS 39 mandate.