Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Right to Food Team


Dear Forum members,

Thank you very much for your valuable thoughts on the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines since their adoption in 2004. As the comments showed, we could celebrate some success stories at country level with more countries subscribing to the right to food in their policies, laws and programmes. But the mission is not accomplished yet; food insecurity and malnutrition remain serious challenges in many countries. We shall therefore not tire to promote the right to food and to use the Right to Food Guidelines as our main tool.

What is the next step for us? The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) agreed that at its 41st Session in October 2014, a session will be included on a ten year retrospective on progress made in implementing the Right to Food Guidelines. Your responses to the four questions posed on the Forum will be reflected in a synthesis report that will feed the CFS discussion.

Thanks again for your insights!


Right to Food Team