Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Women and young farmers will need access to seeds, root stock, animal stock, fertilizer, animal feed, pest and disease control chemicals, veterinary supplies, farm insurance, irrigation equipment, fencing, feed stock, packaging, and transport to have a successful farm.  If some of these supplies are not available when needed the farm will most likely fail.  The Gates Foundation AGRA, PASS, and SEED programs are helping to supply some of this material in Africa.  Food Tank needs to verify that "all" the materials needed by women and young farmers are available in areas where they work in Africa by reviewing what is available at agro-dealer shops and suggesting what else needs to be supplied to the FAO and NGOs.  In addition Food Bank should review the poultry training that the FAO supplied in Afghanistan.  Perhaps Food Bank can suggest improvements to FAO poultry training and suggest other countries where this training would be beneficial. Food Bank should also review why the Caja Agraria in Colombia was not successful.  See my papers at for additional information.