Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Currently, I am working with the AVRDC - World Vegetable Center as a Capacity Development Specialist. I Served IGAD as Technical Coordinator to the Resilience Analysis Unit and as a Coordinator of Knowledge Management, which provides a background to my contribution below.

I appreciate the proactive and consistent actions taken by the FAO Team to create space for knowledge sharing on relevant topics.

Returning to theme of discussion 2, I vote for the idea of creating an order to the influx of information from various sources. Following the comments from my colleagues in IGAD, we need to align the global knowledge management, such as the one proposed here, with the regional, national level and the sub-national levels. If I got it right, issues mentioned earlier about scale speak to this level of operations.

The other issue about strengthening resilience is who uses what knowledge at which level? For instance, how can pastoralist, farmers and fishermen and women get access to information that is available in digital forms? Moreover, knowledge sharing is not sufficient to bring resilience capacities because knowledge management is about integration of knowledge generation, capture, sharing and utilization.

Hence, one has to think of the nature of knowledge itself (its relevance for who). This is best approached when we integrate and share what we do from planning, M&E to impact assessment. Making effort on sharing knowledge alone will not help much in resilience agenda, even though we need to organize ourselves better in knowledge sharing.

Knowledge management is one of the essential components of capacity development at individual, group, organizational and systems levels. Therefore, we need to integrate knowledge management with capacity development framework to achieve strategic goals at scale. In this regards, I wish to indicate the IGAD’s initiative together with its partners (FAO, WFP, UNICEF, UNDP, and UNOCHA) in strengthening the analytical capacity of middle level policy-makers and technical experts on resilience measurement and analysis. This work is in progress by the IGAD Resilience Analysis Unit.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Tesfaye Beshah, PhD

Capacity Development Specialist

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center