Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dr. Pradip Dey

ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata

Dear All,

Good day!

Soil quality has become an internationally accepted science-based tool for advancing the assessment, education, understanding and management of soil resources. Two of the most important factors associated with the soil quality concept are that (1) soils have both inherent and dynamic properties and processes and that (2) soil quality assessment must reflect biological, chemical, and physical properties, processes and their interactions. In general, SQI is a useful assessment tool that may help in soil conservation and resource management apart from assessments of soil erosion and changes in productivity. SQI can thus provide the necessary information for planners and decision makers to make informed decisions against SQ degradation using the introduction of appropriate interventions. Despite such importance of SQI in combating SQ degradation, only few studies have been reported in relation to various land use and soil management systems. This indicated that research on SQI has been mostly neglected for unknown reasons, with the most probable reason which could be technical and financial limitations. Adoption of targeted yield approach provides the scientific basis for balanced fertilization not only between the fertilizer nutrients themselves but also that with the soil available nutrients for sustaining soil health.

With warm regards,

Pradip Dey