Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Alessia Cogliandro

European Seed Association

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find enclosed to this email the ESA contribution to the draft guidelines. On behalf of ESA I congratulate for the draft, it was developed taken into account all the threats for a sustainable soil management. We just underlined on one point the possibility to make use of breeding as tool to develop useful solutions when it comes to issues related to crop nutrients intake and a comment on the dissemination paragraph.

You will find more in the second file, especially in regards to the involvement of stakeholders and communication. I work for ESA in Brussels and simultaneously I am following a Master Degree in Food Security, and the paper attached focuses on the potential contribution of the seed and plant breeding sector towards a more sustainable soil management. The topic is approached from a very EU perspective and it was developed as final paper of a module on soil management I took, but I think it is a different and therefore interesting viewpoint for you.

I remain at your disposal for any further questions you might have.

Kind regards,

Alessia Cogliandro